Info Speed Upgrades and You!

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by wyndman, Apr 29, 2017.

  1. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    6:27 AM
    In an ever growing effort to combat the confusion over speed upgrades from extra utilities and how many is too many. The maximum TPS you can reach is twenty. This means putting anymore than twenty speed upgrades in your transfer nodes does not move your items any faster. What it will do though is drag the TPS of the server down as it struggles to meet this new request of 64. There's been an increased number of players thinking more is better, and causing performance issues throughout the network.

    So.. 20 speed upgrades per node is enough, 1 stack upgrade is enough. You can't pull more than a stack at a time, this means 8mb of water, 16 of some items, 64 of others, more than one stack upgrade does nothing other than again cause TPS issues.
  2. profrags

    profrags Well-Known Member

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    3:27 AM
    this probably would have been helpful on sky factory 2 when I had 128 nodes with full speed to mine cobblestone :rolleyes:
  3. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    11:27 AM
    i disagree with your stance that 20 is enough. Some items just really dont get moved fast enough if you only use 20 a node. There is a noticable difference between 20 and 32 and especially 64. For water, or other liquids, you are right, but for items, definately not fast enough. This is all based on the usage of both a stack upgrade + speed upgrades.

    Take for example:
    • Cobble gens: Way too slow.
    • Quarry Chests: Too slow.
    • Mob Farms: ~ maybe... but still chance of clogging if you use 20 or less. Not to mention lag from item-overflow if it does end up not keeping up.
    Yes i understand and agree that using too many speed upgrades on a massive scale can bring TPS down... but then again... you are shooting 1 thing down while a whole array of issues contributes to low tps in general.

    For Infinity 6 for example, you get lower tps because of:
    • on average 15-30 ppl online (during weekends or evenings even more)
    • People building totally ridiculous setups that are completely not needed. Like BigReactors the size of 4 chunks, or ineffective mobfarms where the mobs do not die instantly.
    • MobFarms running continuously by almost every player.
    • People overstating the use of Agricraft Sprinklers per chunk.
    • About every player on this node is able to get a quarry going (and probably has one going).
    • etcetera etcetera...
    Instead of saying: Upgrades are bad mkay... maybe you should convince other staff to put a hardcoded limit into the game. Something you can actually enforce without having to constantly watch ppl. Like you ban all the weather/time control stuff, why not look into limiting the use of upgrades or sprinklers or even active mobfarms?

    These forum posts are completely useless if you cannot or will not enforce a clear policy about them.
    best_mcpemaster likes this.
  4. Gherkin

    Gherkin Oliver (Wobby)

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    10:27 AM
    i agree that maybe they might cause lag but this is only if theyre always transfering items which usually theyre not...also if you don't like people using 64 i agree with deepcage that it would be easier for you to code it in instead of asking people to only use so many
  5. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    6:27 AM
    The twenty is not speculation, a speed uparade increases 1 operation per second, there is a ceiling you can achieve while using these. It has been actually mathematically calculated and publicly documented, I believe the number before diminishing returns was around 21.7 speed upgrades.

    As for regulation by simply coding in a limit of how many x's or y's can be used it isn't as simple as it sounds. The forum is not to enforce some new rule, but rather to inform players that there is a limit to what works, what doesn't, and simply what erodes server performance.

    Now some players would rather argue, some would seek draconian punishments in regards to resource wasters. I prefer to inform everyone who reads the forums that it is an issue, some servers more than others. Like sprinklers they are wonderful tools, but it is our hope that they're used in a responsible manner. When you log on to a server those are not just names on a screen, but other people who choose to enjoy the server as well.
    Broklyn_Datroll likes this.
  6. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    11:27 AM
    Well, i will give this a try (once my ban is over) xD

    I really hope you're right and 20-21 upgrades will suffice. If it helps tps and it doesnt slow down my farms and whatnot, i dont see why i shouldnt do this :)
  7. Robbo1

    Robbo1 Member

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    10:27 AM
    @wyndman if you connect multiple inventories to the same transfer node (max is 5 per node) you can pull out one stack into each inventory simultaneously. Would having 20 speed upgrades only apply if you've only got 1 inventory connected?
  8. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    6:27 AM
    It works as twenty per item transfer node. As each node can only preform at that speed, give or take a cycle. So if you have twenty item nodes feel free to put twenty speed upgrades in each one. Putting a five stacks of 64 speed upgrades, which has been the trend does nothing other than tank the TPS of the server.

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