Done progress problems, mym doesnt care?

Discussion in 'Agrarian Skies' started by hunterguy24, May 4, 2017.

  1. hunterguy24

    hunterguy24 Well-Known Member

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    2:26 AM
    me: i cant make progress in agrarian skies, whenever i relog all my progress is reset, from island to questbook, hearts and part of my inventory.

    mym's reply: we dont care, go figure yourself.

    great service we have on the forums, thanks for all the help. -.-

    why did i pay for this server? -.-
  2. Ony_x

    Ony_x Well-Known Member

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    2:26 AM
    What the .... is that attitude? You're 12yo or what?

    Use ticket system and wait.

    Or just quit, see yah.
  3. bigbluu722

    bigbluu722 Well-Known Member

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    9:26 PM
    If I'm correct from what I'm getting out of the post, your questbook keeps resetting over and over. If that's what you're complaining about, that's nothing we have control over as HQM is a really horribly coded mod and has plenty of bugs, so we have no control over it. Slandering us on the forum for not being able to do anything about it won't help as it's something for the mod author to fix.
  4. hunterguy24

    hunterguy24 Well-Known Member

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    2:26 AM
    I did use the ticket system, the above was the reply i got.[DOUBLEPOST=1493918726][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Then can anyone do something about my island resetting continuously?
    Btw congratz on the jr. Admin
  5. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    9:26 PM
    I've looked into your island resetting issue, and is because you have been gone more than fourteen days. It appears that you logged in on April 16th, but then did not log in again until May 2nd. This will cause your island to be deleted for inactivity. This also happened when your first login was March 15th and you did not log into again until April 6th. If you play on being off the network for more than fourteen days, then use the /absence command this will ensure your island remains in tact for 28 days, provided you do not log into any of our other servers. This would also explain why your quest book reset, when your island reset so did your book allowing you to progress again.

    This isn't MyM not caring, it is ensuring that the server is not littered with abandoned islands which may effect performance.

    Edit: [Slind] its 28 not 30 days (4 weeks)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2017
  6. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    9:26 PM
    If I'm reading hunter's post correctly, then he is claiming that a staff member replied to his ticket post with the words "we don't care, go figure yourself." Or something similar. If this is true it may be worth looking into who said this. Obviously I'm not staff so I have no authority here but if a staff memeber really did say that then there's a problem :p
    Of course if a staff member didn't say that then there's no problem ;) (atleast not with staff)
  7. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    9:26 PM
    I'm looking up his ticket too :D
    coolgi3000 likes this.
  8. hunterguy24

    hunterguy24 Well-Known Member

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    2:26 AM
    I resetted my island by myself at april the 15th, after that it resetted once on may 2nd, twice on may 3rd, once on may 4th, once on may 5th but didnt happen yesterday or today.
    Also, your island doesnt get reset on agrarian skies for inactivity, the fact that i still had my island after so many months is proof xD

    Still, the fact that i got a reply like that really anoyed me, because of that i made this thread. Ik it was a childish way to respond to something so small, but well, I am a child after all. xD
    sry for this thread.

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