Crash log, if it helps. Looks like item conduit on metal press. Delete metal press? its cheap (i have two presses) at blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.blocks.metal.TileEntityMetalPress.func_94128_d( at crazypants.enderio.conduit.item.ItemConduit.canConnectToExternal( at crazypants.enderio.conduit.AbstractConduit.onNeighborBlockChange( at crazypants.enderio.conduit.AbstractConduit.onNeighborChange( at crazypants.enderio.conduit.TileConduitBundle.onNeighborChange( at crazypants.enderio.conduit.BlockConduitBundle.onNeighborChange( at
Here[DOUBLEPOST=1494377830,1494373195][/DOUBLEPOST]also, i think my coordanites are also off on the few seconds I can get in game, so at least can i get a tp to spawn or something? for now?
Issue stems from this tiny if-statement: Code: if (master.stopped >= 0) The "master" is the TileEntity that control's the whole multiblock. However, the getter method for that (master()), can return a null value (non-existant). @_Redst0ne_Guy_ Teleporting you to spawn will likely only prolong the issue. I'm taking it that this happens on your own island, yes? If so, guess what will likely happen if you return there. @Senior Moderator Can one of you please get the player's last position, and do a WE clear of EIO item-conduits in a small radius around the him?