Done Blindness.

Discussion in 'Galactic Science' started by AmeliaFireFox, May 12, 2017.

  1. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    3:37 PM
    Sometimes when moving across the moon, usually in my base, but it happens anywhere on the moon, my whole vision on minecraft goes back. I can see the HUD, i see the hotbar, the minimap, etc. It's like the textures for all the blacks just did a complete #00000F freakout. Pure blackness. I move a few blocks, then boom its all correct again. Any cure known???

    Also, I did a island reset, because I was like "well this place sucks" but I lost my inventory. I had some pretty valuable stuff in there, and if I knew it was gonna be gone, I'd have put it somewhere safe... Can you guys rollback my inventory maybe? If so that'd be great. If not, it doesn't matter, just easy stuff to remake.
  2. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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  3. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    3:37 PM
    Then there should be a warning, shouldn't there be? Like 'all items will be lost'? Also, 4gb of ram. My computer specs are more than capable of handling it.[DOUBLEPOST=1494585648][/DOUBLEPOST]Not saying i deserve a refund, it is common sense. But a warning would have been greatly appreciated at least.
  4. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    7:37 PM
    You should probably have assumed that reseting your island would reset your stuff, but yeah it would be nice if there was a warning, or even a way to reset your island without losing everything (there is but thats a different story)
  5. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    3:37 PM
    Yeah. I knew it was 80% likely it was a no, I read the rules but i figured it was worth a try. Plus it'd alert staff that idiots like me require a warning.
  6. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    You don't happen to have the night vision buff when it goes black do you? I've had trouble in the past with this and it's always because of nightvision for me.
  7. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    Yeah i do, weird. I'll take it off when i get on later, if it works i'll say and if not i'll give better info on it. Dont mark it as 'done' until then xD[DOUBLEPOST=1494629018,1494605139][/DOUBLEPOST]Yep it was the night vision... Any cure? Or any way to turn off NV with the battlesuit helmet?
  8. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    3:37 PM
    Hmm not that I know of. The only thing I can think of (which is a bit late now) is to not upgrade the helmet to have night vision :p
    Look through the controls tab in the options screen just in case tho. There may be a hot key to toggle it.

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