Hello my favorite Minecraft server community! I would like to ask for your assistance (upvote/comment saying that you think it'd be a good addition, that sort of thing) regarding a suggestion I made on the subreddit for Minecraft suggestions, frequently browsed by both jeb_, Dinnerbone, and several other lead developers and other related staff members of Mojang. I have made a post asking for the implementation of changing the dye color of things such as beds and wool (hopefully it can be added by the release of 1.12 if at all) because lately I've been playing vanilla Minecraft (currently on the version 1.12-pre2) and have found it very frustrating that you can only dye a White bed or White wool and then you can no longer re-dye something (such as Red wool or a Red bed dyed to another color). Thank you all ahead of time for any upvotes or comments on the post !
Forgot to mention my title here is kind of misleading, it wouldn't necessarily make Minecraft better as it's mostly convenience/cosmetic but I still think it would be a good addition to vanilla Minecraft.