Done Lost 2 Diamond Chests Full of Many Blocks

Discussion in 'Direwolf20' started by KirbyClan, May 27, 2017.

  1. KirbyClan

    KirbyClan Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    2:59 PM
    Due to what had seemed to be an all-server restart for the "The following players have been promoted" spamming for a few minutes, I lost two diamond chests in farmworld. I placed them down just before the server suddenly restarted. One chest had a whole bunch of cobblestone, about 30 stacks or so. The other had crag rock, granite, marble, and the like (also two bees, but I don't mind losing those). I also lost an item conduit, but I don't need that back. The main thing is getting the two chests back, with or without the items inside.
  2. Arvie

    Arvie Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    5:59 PM
    Sadly Myms has a no refund policy, sorry about your items but you will have to craft/get em yourself.

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