Only Recently Inactive Bases Removed [DW20 Server 1]

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by KirbyClan, May 20, 2017.

  1. KirbyClan

    KirbyClan Member

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    I went around to many friends' bases earlier today which I've had on waypoints and noticed that they've all been replaced with what I assume was the original terrain before it was built on. They've been offline for about 20 days, a bit beyond the two-week deal. However, I've seen many unclaimed bases all over the place that are still here. For example, there is one I found with four players on signs, two of which didn't even show up on /seen (although that might be because their usernames weren't on the signs or have been changed. The other two players haven't been online for over a year.

    I'm not sure if this was brought up in the forums before, but I couldn't find anything like this by searching, so I made this. Users (friends; there are likely others in addition to the following) whose bases were wiped:
    XeptionForever, jjthekarate, funnykid26 & Terminator_D
  2. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    The Claim Auto-Deletion plugin has in fact been updated and added to the 1.10 servers. About a week or two ago if I recall.

    That's what I get for posting while tired
    Last edited: May 20, 2017
  3. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Do you have the coordinates of few claims which didn't reset?
    This thread is about 1.7.10 and it's only on forever stranded on 1.10
  4. KirbyClan

    KirbyClan Member

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    Sorry for the late reply.

    There are so many abandoned bases that I wonder if the better thing to do is to reset all chunks in the Overworld except for those that contain claims.
  5. ChoiceMaker

    ChoiceMaker Well-Known Member

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    This is a good idea on all servers. The terrain is horrible looking and takes forever to terraform.
    deepcage and KirbyClan like this.
  6. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Would be nice if this were possible, there are loads of unclaimed and abandoned bases on about every server. we are not allowed to touch them, but they do seriously limit our options when choosing a new location for a base, all the "good" spots are usually taken by abandoned bases.

    And not just that. Inf Infinity6 for example, the Spirit World dimension from witchery has been pillaged almost completely of the stuff ppl go there for: Wispy Cotton. Its nigh-completely gone. Took me 2 hours of flying around there last night to find a hand full. Would be nice if you could regen all unclaimed chunks on the dimensions that dont get reset normally.
    KirbyClan likes this.
  7. Rubijox

    Rubijox Well-Known Member

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    resetting non-claimed chunks could cause issues though, some people dont claim their stuff, or dont have enough to claim everything.
    Slind likes this.
  8. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Well then dont build unclaimed bases. I think there is an unwritten rule that goes like "claim your sh*t". Maybe put up an announcement like a week before its done stating that all unclaimed areas will be overwritten. if ppl miss the anouncement, their unclaimed stuff had enough warning and should just be removed. Their fault for not wanna claim stuff.
  9. Rubijox

    Rubijox Well-Known Member

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    some people cant always be on either, it would be easy to miss the warnings.

    I doupt admins will ever resort to something like this, if anything, ask them to regen specific areas where you want to do stuff, but other than that they wont do much, because, well, they cant really... not if they dont want negative repercutions.

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