pls help me and infinity evolved node6 when i do the ritual for charged attuned stone i have enough power and my alter is very close but when i through the iteams down activate the ritual it say no alter near by but my alter is realy close i have engough power i have 11000
yes replacing alter but not ritual [doublepost=1496154301,1496153166][/doublepost]im doing it now ill tell u if it works [doublepost=1496155658][/doublepost]i moved the ritual still no alter near by 5
yeah [doublepost=1496159228][/doublepost]i need to ask u a question say if your 13 and wanted to apply for mod does it base on maturity
We have accepted a few players under the listed age requirements. While we do look heavily at maturity, if you are 13yrs old, my advise it to contribute as a Community Member. You can help you fellow players remember the basic rules, such as language or spamming in chat. While you can put in an application, the expectations placed on our staff would be a source of concern to us, because of your age. I hope this makes sense, and helped.
Null sweat mate, I can tell you, as a Staff member. We DO value active community members who are working to be a positive part of the Network. Help others, learn the Mods and Modpack, it all helps out and when you are a little older, will put you in good standin to potentially become a Staff member.
i know every mod i was a jr mod in infinity on the server called bedrock legends but got shut down cos the owner retiered
You know Pneumaticraft and MagneticCraft? Blood Magic (both 1,7 and 1.10 versions, since there are differences) and Witchery? How is your Thaumcraft? Done a Convocation of the Damned Ritual? How about an Omega Chamber? There is a LOT to know before you can say you know "every mod", I know, it's something I am still working on myself.
As the original issue has been solved, marking this thread done. Feel free to continue the other conversation as needed though. One of the mods you should really make sure you know is Applied Energistics... Can't tell you how many issues can erupt from a poorly designed AE system.