Feedback Wand of Animation [ProjectOzone 2] [kappa]

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by aBaguette_, Jun 3, 2017.


Which Option Do You Prefer

  1. Option A

  2. Option B

  3. Option C

  4. Leave as is (literally get out of here Scrub)

  5. Option D

  6. Option E

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. aBaguette_

    aBaguette_ Roast Chicken Flavo(u)r: Certified Vegan

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    7:03 AM
    As you probably know, in kappa mode for PO2 there is an item called Wand of Animation. This wand is supposed to animate blocks so they can be replicated by spawners late game.
    However, do to server issues, MyM decided it would be great to just make it part of a recipe in replicating blocks.

    There's one problem.

    With animating blocks usually, you use durability once and then set and forget.

    With a recipe, it uses durability every single time and just destroys your hard work with it breaking.

    Redstone Guy and I have five solutions
    a) make it only use durability the first time you craft each type of block (Recommended, but mightn't be possible)
    b) do not use any durability on craft (do this)
    d) make the wand repairable. This is also a viable option.
    e) use a QED to have a repair wand craft (mightn't be possible without consuming wand)

    NOTE: I am aware that it has a repair already, so this could also be fixed as it is in it's current shape literal trash with such a low % repair rate. :)
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2017
  2. Deathwich

    Deathwich Well-Known Member

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    There was prbly some issue with the spawner, so I can understand why it was disabled. I agree tho, the pack is not meant to be extremely grindy at endgame and this makes it so. I vote option B!
    aBaguette_ likes this.
  3. _Redst0ne_Guy_

    _Redst0ne_Guy_ Active Member

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    At least in my situation, its not repairing 30 times out of 30. hit a hard wall in progression.

    Some other suggested alternatives:
    a) Fix the repair so it at least works more than 0% of the time (for everyone)
    b) Add some other way to repair the wand of animation (crafting recipe, other mechanic - probably some other mechanic so that it takes some time and effort and people don't make thousands of things in seconds with a crafter mk3)
    c) Make the crafts not use durability
    d) make it a QED recipe that does not use durability (adds a manual part) (not sure if possible without consuming wand)
    e) make a QED recipe that repairs wand
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2017
    aBaguette_ likes this.
  4. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    The problem I see with it not using durability is that normally with spawning it takes time so you can't just spawn 20 stacks of awakened deaconium in 5 seconds. It would take possibly hours depending on how many spawners you have going. Which would require more mob essence to sustain. But with infinite durability you can make as many stacks as you want instantly. I would suggest adding a way to repair the wand using buckets of mob essence to break up the crafting a bit and bring back an aspect of the old system.
    aBaguette_ likes this.
  5. Dwubdwub

    Dwubdwub Well-Known Member

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    I would like to see the wand used as it would if this were singleplayer. In my experience, I have only heard that the mfr spawning with the wand would just be a dupe/exploit. That is the reasoning that I always heard which didn't make much sense to me. The point of the wand is to duplicate your high end/cost blocks of resources to then make end game easier. I know some people with just but the response of "Just make more of the ingots or whatever and stop complaining." The wand is a key part in the end game and I would love to see it in the server as the game intended it to be.
    aBaguette_ likes this.
  6. aBaguette_

    aBaguette_ Roast Chicken Flavo(u)r: Certified Vegan

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    The Dupe/Exploit reasoning is rediculous
    Dwubdwub likes this.
  7. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Also that dupe exploit reasoning was put in by an ex-staff member (LucidTheStick), who is now a consultant.

    Im not sure who told me, but staff strives to stay true to a modpacks design as much as possible and change as little as possible. However this wand of animation thing is a huge change and completely changes how endgame works on the pack.

    I suggest we add another option to vote on: Restore the pack to its original design and make the wand of animation work normally again with MFR Spawners like the pack was designed to be played.
    _Redst0ne_Guy_ likes this.
  8. aBaguette_

    aBaguette_ Roast Chicken Flavo(u)r: Certified Vegan

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    That's what option C was supposed to be, reworded it.
  9. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    i completed titan without even making the wand of animation till literally the last quest (my own sever)
    [doublepost=1496494116][/doublepost]also it was disabled to provide some sort of balance and to stop everything being easy, thats why you are on Kappa, its not meant to be easy
  10. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Partly agree, the creator of the pack, did not disable it in kappa mode to interact with MFR. MyM Staff did that. They also removed the EMC values on certain blocks for singularities, this was also not by design of the modpack creator. So they contradict themself by trying to stay true to modpack design while making these big changes.
  11. _Redst0ne_Guy_

    _Redst0ne_Guy_ Active Member

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    The wand of animation, in kappa mode, is known to be dupe-y, and so now is about 4000000x more expensive than the original too-simple recipe (and titan mode) FOR A REASON, with infinity ingots and other junk. Would you rather: craft 10000 infinity catalysts or 200 or so, get a wand of animation and a infinity block? It costs quadrillions of EMC, and there's still the whole chaos ingot business to get through. Kappa is harder than Titan.
    It turns the already somewhat grindy process to a never ending grind. I'm not ready to go kill a few thousand dragons and gaias.

    Common excuses for EMC:
    "Get a creative tank and cast bedrokium. Easy EMC"
    In titan mode its literally EMCable. In kappa mode you require 6 chaos ingots, which requires 28 infinity ingots and and other crap.
    With the wand its possible to "animate" bedrokium but it all uses dura, back to this problem.

    "Get a star farm"
    On the verge of lagging the server and it took a week to get EMC for just the wand of animation. in Kappa.
  12. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    How i got loads of EMC:
    Craft the World Destroyer pickaxe. Set it to hammer mode and mine the top layer of the nether. The bedrock mined with that gives 300+ milion EMC per block harvested. In an hour i had 35.000 bedrock without the use of the creative tank.

    EMC is not the issue. Getting specific items, as designed by the modpack, is! Since it has been fundamentally changed because 1 person found it to be "dupey". Why hold on to a backward view of a staff member who at first retired and now only exists as a "consultant". Just restore the pack to the way it should have been played.

    And for the guys who said bull like: "Kappa is supposed to be hard" yes i agree its supposed to be hard, but load the pack in single player, set it to kappa and then see how it was supposed to be. All blocks for singularities have EMC. The wand can animate blocks and the blocks can be used in MFR spawners, even on Kappa Mode.
    The guys from mym have made these changes and the entire community so far has had comments about it. There have been more posts about this in the past. In the end the comment always was something along the line of "we are staff, we are right and we are not changing it". (not in those exact words, but thats the TL;DR version).
  13. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    what i did for emc was get a mercurial eye with septuple cobble inside it (octupple was too much emc) set it to max with an omega inside the eye then start turning a bunch of bedrock into sept cobble, then mine the cobble
    a whole load of Emc :p
  14. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    Wow I wish bedrock had an emc value in normal mode like it does in kappa...
  15. _Redst0ne_Guy_

    _Redst0ne_Guy_ Active Member

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    2:03 PM
    That actually works kinda well, its good untill you can break bedrock directly
  16. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    i actually gives you almost just as much EMC because the klein will be always filled since bedrock is worth SLIGHTLY more EMC than septuple
  17. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    10:03 PM
    a) not possible since we are noth the mod authors and we can only do work arounds
    b) its inteded to have durability for everything you do
    c) dont make assumptions. it has game breaking bugs with alot of things
    d) the wand is already able to be repaired(
    e) look d)
  18. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Animated blocks tend to crash servers. So don't assume we do things just because we do not think it is fair. I have had no problem with my wand. I duplicate the blocks I want leaving around 15 durability and then take the repair alter the the nether roof and BAM! Repaired
  19. killakiaba

    killakiaba Well-Known Member

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    Keep it as the pack is, i just use the wand to make duplicates in crafting grid then use the altar of repair. I had 0 problems with the wand and made stacks of neutronium, infinity and draconic blocks. Just make sure the altar of repair is away from any mobs.
  20. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    5:03 PM
    If we are gunna keep the wand the way it is can we add octo or septuple cobble to the list of things it can duplicate in both kappa and normal mode? It's supposed to be able to do all blocks anyway ;)
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017

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