Double taxes when selling items on /market. Why?

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by deepcage, Jun 3, 2017.

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  1. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    I can understand, also from a real world perspective, that paying a sales tax is reasonable. What i dont find reasonable, is that we both pay myms to post an item and then when its sold, have to pay another high tax over that sale.

    i just tested how much taxes we are paying and i think its unreasonably high.

    Selling any amount of items for 75 myms, costs 3 myms to post it on the market and another 13.5 myms sales tax. Thats 4% of the sales price to post it and another 18% afterwards.

    Please lower these tax rates or remove them all together, its not like you gain anything from myms. People still vote because they buy stuff from other players and eventually they need more myms, so the tax only hurts the people who are trying to sell stuff.
  2. PhishTahkoh

    PhishTahkoh Patron Tier 3

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    Seems pretty ridiculous to me too!
  3. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    You're selling things a consignment shop, so we take a small fee up front based on the selling price of your item to list it in the market. In return for that three percent we keep those items safe from those who would normally rove the servers looking for loose goods, plus the over head of paying the virtual employees that keep those items free of dust, and the virtual lights need to be kept on too. That upfront three percent goes into a lot of virtual things! Now, that eighteen percent sales tax that goes to the virtual state and virtual federal governments at rates of eight percent to state, and a whopping ten percent to the federal governments, because they need to keep their virtual lights on too.
  4. Kronnn

    Kronnn Well-Known Member

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    To put it simply, neither are a "tax" as such. You pay a fee to be allowed to put it on the marker, and then the market gets a comission for the actual sale.
    The market is there for convienence, we dont force you to sell through them. If you know someone who wants to buy your items you are free to trade/sell with them however you want within our rules.
  5. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    My explanation was better :D
    SanndyTheManndy and Peace7904 like this.
  6. Kronnn

    Kronnn Well-Known Member

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    Quality not quantity my friend :p
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  7. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    *hint hint* *nudge nudge* this is how I sold thousands of items at single sales, direct sales are much cheaper on both sides
  8. PhishTahkoh

    PhishTahkoh Patron Tier 3

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    Well, who profits off the taxes? Are they collected somewhere or does it just disappear into the void? Is it a way to ensure people vote/donate more by making it more MyM costly?
  9. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    It's just voided, it's there to be a money sink on the market
  10. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    i dont mind a money sink, i do mind the amount of it.

    Yes i know i can circumvent the market by doing private trades, but the market is convenient for people to buy things from players who may not even be online.
  11. Kronnn

    Kronnn Well-Known Member

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    Exactly, its a convience, and you have to pay for that convience ;)
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  12. yurikha27

    yurikha27 Well-Known Member

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    On a macroeconomic scale, there doesn't seem to be a need for a money sink, although the tax isn't exactly one.
    Looking at the real world, we don't need to burn money to stop inflation because there is significant growth in production as we print money.

    In terms of MyMs, as a server starts, there will be little money and little production. As days pass, people will vote and money will be created, but the production of the server also increases (much more rapidly than tokens/MyMs) and prices actually fall, despite an expanded money supply. Prices eventually stabilize at a relatively low level because of the diminishing marginal utility of money.

    The problem is that prices are often very low on servers. One vote can get me stacks of resources when I'm starting out; this does help to accelerate growth but removes the need to use lower-tier items and contraptions to mine; everyone just gets instant ender quarries.
    It also allows for quite a bit of progression skipping; who needs jetpacks when angel rings will do?
    (Infinity modpack context)

    Prices are low because there are too many money sinks and too much production growth. We can't go around slowing growth, so we should reduce the money sinks. It's already expensive just to claim land (and with the no-griefing policy, why would I claim?); we should probably reduce the price of that (instead of changing the policy) so staff are less burdened with non-claimers and the server doesn't have to process inactive bases.

    Though I do agree with the tax; it tends to raise prices and also decreases trade, which allows the server to have players at diverse levels of development.
  13. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    In a perfect world everyone would claim every block to eliminate the need for me to go around checking holes in the world....

    Prices are low because supply is higher than the demand, all the money sinks in the world wouldn't change that. Also since you can convert those hard earned vote tokens in to claim blocks it isn't really an income problem.

    As far as convenience goes, imagine the market like e-bay loaded with buy it now options. You have to throw money into the fire to sell there too, and if you are good citizen of the United States, you'd again be taxed on the profit you made from selling that one of a kind autographed Kronnn t-shirt.
    The_Icy_One and Peace7904 like this.
  14. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    ok whatever, i dont even care anymore. since nobody is taking this serious, lets just put a lock on this topic and forget about it.
  15. Kronnn

    Kronnn Well-Known Member

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    Just because you don't like the answer doesn't mean we're not taking it seriously.
    You have yet to present any sort of serious argument as to why it should be changed other than "Wa wa I don't like it". And then you have the gall to disrespect staff by implying that we don't take suggestions seriously.
    The market has been the way it has been for several years, you would have to give us a very good alternative for that to change. But if you are just here to belittle staff and whine and moan when you don't get everything you want then I respectfully ask that you get lost and find something better to do with your time.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2017
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