Implemented MyM-ProtectEx Suggestions

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by LeapingSheep, May 27, 2017.

  1. LeapingSheep

    LeapingSheep Well-Known Member

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    Im playing Project Ozone 2 Kappa
    I would like to see:
    When entering or leaving a zone a Message is in chat who owns the zone. In other world like Nether, Last millenium.
    When created by server to protect spawn of like Aether/Erebus Possible to Eat/Shoot mobs.

    Hopefully this suggestions are comming.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2017
    Dwubdwub likes this.
  2. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Uhm those messages are allready there. When you enter someones island via flying, you get to see in chat "you're entering the island of <name>" and when leaving you get "you are leaving the island of <name>"

    You can however set a custom welcome and goodbye message yourself, theres a command for that.
  3. LeapingSheep

    LeapingSheep Well-Known Member

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    Im not talking about islands flying by but, other dimensions.
    Such as Nether when someone used claimblocks you never know when you are in one or not.
    Until you trying to eat, breakblocks, shoot mobs
  4. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Ah yea ok i agree on that part, that is rather annoying about custom claims in other dimensions. Also the "take it easy man" when you hit something with an AoE tool and it boots you because your tool is super fast. Very annoying.
  5. Dwubdwub

    Dwubdwub Well-Known Member

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    Very annoying indeed
    deepcage likes this.
  6. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    Use a normal stick, right click on the area will show you who owns the land and shift right click should show you nearby claims :) try that
    ben_mkiv and Broklyn_Datroll like this.
  7. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Would be nice if you actually read what ppl wrote. When you are mining, or trying to recover health after fighting mobs and you do it in an area claimed by someone else, you either cant eat, or when you mine, you get kicked from the server. Its not like he's actually tring to find other people claims.
    LeapingSheep likes this.
  8. LeapingSheep

    LeapingSheep Well-Known Member

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    Couldnt tell it beter.
  9. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    just wanted to give you another option, but if you dont care just ignore it
  10. LeapingSheep

    LeapingSheep Well-Known Member

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    We care who owns the claim, but it would be nice if server claims spawn we have rights to kill mobs and eat. aether isnt as scarry as erebus.
    And for server claims it would be nice we see when we Leave an server claimed protection.
  11. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    "Runs around nether... being attacked by firebats and ghasts and whatnot... Lets beat it all to death with a stick, since then i can see when im in someones claim. Dont matter if im low on health, ill just eat the sticks..."

    I somehow dont think thats the option we were looking for.
  12. yurikha27

    yurikha27 Well-Known Member

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    I think the point you're missing is that MyM cannot lift the restrictions on eating, mining, and attacking in others' claims. Mining is obvious; what's the point of the claim if I can break blocks? The kick could be fixed; instead of kicking, just move the person a bit, though I imagine this is quite a bit harder to implement; it just happens that it's not a major issue if you're aware of the claims around you.

    Eating is equivalent to using an item in the Minecraft code; if item use were allowed in a claim, there are all sorts of claim bypass glitches that arise from mods that allow the breaking of blocks as a side-effect of item use.

    If it were possible to kill mobs in someone's claim, I could go in and slaughter someone's pets, their farm animals, and even perhaps their automatons (I'm thinking Thaumcraft golems here).

    Keep in mind these restrictions were only added after people discovered these workarounds; the first claim plugins actually allowed eating/killing, but they proved ineffective in modded Minecraft because of the bypass issues.

    Werwolfi_de is simply suggesting a way to cope with these restrictions (i.e. using a stick and having situational awareness before entering a fight), which definitely isn't optimal, but seems to be the only reasonable way out.
  13. LeapingSheep

    LeapingSheep Well-Known Member

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    Alright i get it for Player restrictions, but can we fix the Server made protections on spawn? mobs killing you in spawn and you cant fight back.
    Also by default place enter/leave msgs and cant be turned of would be beter than not getting informed and dieing about it.
  14. yurikha27

    yurikha27 Well-Known Member

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    You see, the spawn protections are also there for a reason.
    Without the server protections at spawn, someone could easily hollow out a huge death trap for fun or to farm new players.
    If you allow eating there, then people will abuse the same bypasses to create their room of death.

    The problem is that MyM-ProtectEx is coded (correct me if I'm wrong) so that all claims are treated the same; there is no "flagging" system for claims like with GriefPrevention (the plugin MyM-ProtectEx borrows a lot of its mechanics from), so you can't enable/disable certain protections on single claims. Adding this functionality would probably be a little bit labor-intensive.

    And enter/leave messages would require an addition to the source code, which is something that the admins probably want to avoid. In addition, they're kinda annoying.
    Broklyn_Datroll likes this.
  15. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Not sure if im allowed to, but trying to tag this post for a look by @Administrator. Since they will have to eventually take a look at this :)
    LeapingSheep likes this.
  16. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    With the next restart you should be able to eat and attack monsters without getting kicked.
    Removing the message when attacking monsters would be a bigger task.
    LeapingSheep likes this.

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