Done Username taken when creating account

Discussion in 'Regrowth' started by kit_fisto94, Jun 5, 2017.

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  1. kit_fisto94

    kit_fisto94 New Member

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    11:04 AM
    Hey guys, I'm using my friend's forums account, and recently I, CdCake tried to create a forums account. I put in the forumtag, and it said this name had already been taken. I do not know why this happened but if i could have some reason as to how this could happen it would be appreciated :)

    also btw could i have my (CdCakes') quest book reset on regrowth? if you need proof i can msg you back in game to prove it's me.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2017
  2. Tuffnoodle

    Tuffnoodle Well-Known Member

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    9:04 AM
    Are you able to log in and play on a server? I see the ticket you made with the kit_fisto94 from regrowth, are you not able to use the 'CdCake' account at all anywhere?
  3. kit_fisto94

    kit_fisto94 New Member

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    11:04 AM
    I am able to log in to servers, just it says my username is already in use when I enter the forumtag
    So what I'm trying to say is my forum tag won't work, even if I enter different forum names
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
  4. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    12:04 PM
    Is it possible that you had a forum account previously but it got deleted? Or someone else made one by that name and it got deleted? When I look up CdCake in the all members section it says that that members profile is not available instead of saying that there isn't anyone with that name (which happens if you put something else in)
    It's the same page that pops up if I type in SirStudMuffin in the search bar (sorry for bringing him up he was just the only person I could think of whose forum account got deleted.)
  5. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    12:04 PM
    There is a forum account by that name, made on January 9th 2017. Created from the very same IP address. So it is a safe bet you made the account and forgot about it, and since that e-mail address looks fake or very creative...
  6. kit_fisto94

    kit_fisto94 New Member

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    11:04 AM
    I do not recall creating an account that date, it might have been one of my siblings. Could you erase that email so I could enter mine?
  7. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    5:04 PM
    I deleted the user CdCake, you should be able to use that name now.
  8. kit_fisto94

    kit_fisto94 New Member

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    11:04 AM
    Thank you SirWill :)
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