Currently the best emc gen method in normal mode i believe is netherstar farms but in kappa mode there are better methods I don't know if this was intended but there is an emc value for bedrock in kappa mod but not in normal mode. Making it a wonderful emc generation method for post-infinity tool players. But my main suggestion would be to add octo and /or septuple compressed cobblestone to the list of things the wand of animation can replicate. Normally it would be able to do so anyway. So it would make sense to add all of the blocks that would be Common to use it on.
I'd say demon steel emc generator is multiple times more efficient. Just made one 1/4th of the size of my netherstar farm and it has produced way more emc that the netherstar farm did. *note my crops did grow faster than the harvester could mow them down*
True but the problem isn't that there's no good emc gens, it's that there's an emc gen that should be available that isn't
I had 2 different EMC generators that made way more than enough EMC for me. I used Nether Star farms and a cobblestone generator (I know that sounds weird but trust me, it was keeping up with the nether stars)
So what your asking for is that the x8 compeessed cobblestone be added to the wand of animation crafting recipes, correct?
Find the line in the Script that says Code: <ExtraUtilities:cursedearthside>, and add the Code: /mt hand onto the next line, make sure to add the Code: , after it.
Welp if this gets added in then I can remove my farms that cause me oodles of fps lag in my base. I spend more time in my last millennium island then I do in my main base
*thinks to self* "hmm it would seem that my attempt at a subtle bump has failed. I will need to try a more direct approach" Ahem... "Bump"