Implemented PO2 Kappa: EMC values missing from various items

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by _Redst0ne_Guy_, Jun 13, 2017.

  1. _Redst0ne_Guy_

    _Redst0ne_Guy_ Active Member

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    Throughout my gameplay, I've noticed that there are a significant amount of items that SHOULD have a EMC value in singleplayer Kappa mode, and on other servers. I know these items should have EMC, I've checked in Kappa mode. I'm not suggesting to add another EMC value.
    I don't think that staff removed it, because they are seemingly random items and are abundance.
    Could someone look into this?

    Copper Block, Titanium Block, Charcoal Block - makes singularity crafting a pain
    Steel casing
    Graphite dust, and consequently fire charges and lava crystals
    All armor in the armor progression from lapis->battlesuit
    Various other random less useful items
  2. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    these were removed to make the pack harder
  3. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    This is however in conflict with the staffs previous statements of staying true to a modpacks design, since these changes are not there in Single Player Kappa mode. This goes for the Wand of Animation thing with blocks and MFR Spawning aswell. This was taken out, tho in the packs design, this was meant to be used.
  4. _Redst0ne_Guy_

    _Redst0ne_Guy_ Active Member

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    Well then its not pure P02 anymore - these items don't cause any dupes or anything else cheaty, and only makes life harder . If so, the staff are doing a bad job, and making the gameplay more grindy than it should be as originally designed for PO2. Not harder, grindy.

    What's wrong with EMC values to copper or titanium blocks? makes me have to permachunkload that setup for singularities, costing time, and not resources. Seems very specific of staff to make singularities harder.
    And why do some things have a WRONG emc value, not missing?
    I don't think its the staff removing it's problem I think its some other issues - maybe check the configs and make sure they are up to date
  5. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    So what you are saying is that on a fresh install of PO2, and loading the game in Kappa Mode, their are items and blocks in game that have an EMC value in single player that those same items on the server are missing those EMC values?

    Um, No.

    The wand of animation is modified not to mess with your gameplay, but as using in with the server plugins cause the server to crash, this is why MYM has the crafting recipes with the wand.
    wyndman likes this.
  6. CatArcher

    CatArcher Well-Known Member

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    @_Redst0ne_Guy_ i noticed only that some emc values are missing, and annoyed me
  7. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    giving the randomized missing emc values, though unlikely, is it possible that it's a client-side issue? Because I had something similar happen where the recipe for auto-casters were missing for some people and in some cases even uncraftable by a player, including myself. i had to load the recipe on an AE2 autocrafting card in order to get them.

    (note: i had to copy the recipe from online, which was thankfully un-modified)
  8. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Best bet is to delete your instance of the modpack and re-download it to rule out corruption issues.
    vikingghost11 likes this.
  9. _Redst0ne_Guy_

    _Redst0ne_Guy_ Active Member

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    I can't shift click it into a energy condenser, so its not client side- the server would have handled the shift click. And on singleplayer it does have EMC in kappa mode.
  10. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    on my project ozone titan server i noticed that some of the stuff that had EMC values on the kappa server did not on my Titan server leading to believe that someone has modified the EMC values somehow on the kappa server (also i have not changed any EMC values myself, IDK how to do that)
  11. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Gotcha. The mod pack author did themself modify EMC values between Kappa and Titian.
  12. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    I see, good to know, I will flap off back to my tree now :p
  13. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    While we are on the topic, was it intended for bedrock to have an emc value in kappa but not normal mode?
  14. _Redst0ne_Guy_

    _Redst0ne_Guy_ Active Member

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    Yes, it also has a crafting recipe.
  15. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    In which config are they configured?
  16. _Redst0ne_Guy_

    _Redst0ne_Guy_ Active Member

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    according to the internet theres a /projecte ingame command to do stuff with projectE
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2017
  17. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Fixed with the update to the pack version on the servers.
  18. Asteranx

    Asteranx Well-Known Member

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    Apologies for necroing this, but it seems to be the right thread.

    I don't know if this was fixed at one point, but it seems to be an issue again. Specifically with blocks of copper, which have no emc value. The current project ozone version on the server is 2.30, and the changelog for 2.40 mentions that some emc values have been 'fixed'. I downloaded the new config files and compared them against he current ones, and sure enough the copper block appears with an emc value in the 2.40 configs but not the 2.30 ones.

    My assumption is that for a server like this it isn't worth updating to 2.40 exclusively to fix this, and I've confirmed that the admin command /projecte setEMC doesn't work from in game - but adding the line:

    "ThermalFoundation:Storage|0": 2304,

    to config/ProjectE/pregenerated_emc.json does, after a restart. So maybe there's a chance to get this addressed?

    If it would be more appropriate I can open a ticket from in-game, but I figured the thread already existed, so I'd stop here first.

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