Decided Against Staff Interaction Survey for Tickets

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by matiepie2, Jun 19, 2017.


Should we have such a survey in our tickets?

Poll closed Jul 3, 2017.
  1. Yes

    17 vote(s)
  2. No

    7 vote(s)
  1. matiepie2

    matiepie2 Well-Known Member

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    3:54 PM
    Hello, if you have submitted tickets, you may/may not have wished to submit something saying if the support you received was bad or good. So I wish to make a suggestion, if we should have such a survey in our ticket system. Now, the question being if they will be abused, which will hopefully not be the case, and that you take this survey very seriously. Such suggestions would include a comment that bad reviews have to leave, explaining what could be done better next time, any suggestions, and why the support you received was bad. Also, possible multiple choice including how satisfied were you, was your issue solved (Yes/No), were you satisfied with the time it took for such support, were you addressed in a friendly, professional manner, etc. I will post a poll with two answers, and if you believe such a survey is needed please click yes, however if you believe it will not help, and/or it will be abused click no.

    Just gathering opinions on this, and hopefully this can be implemented in the future.
  2. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    6:54 PM
    Would it be anonymous?
  3. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    6:54 PM
    I would think that would be the only viable option. Imagine a world where you knew how the player base actually felt about you? I mean besides me of course, you all love me.:)
    TTV_W3lshman likes this.
  4. PhishTahkoh

    PhishTahkoh Patron Tier 3

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    I think the potential for abuse in these type of situations is exceptionally high. I'm sure many tickets are "Sorry, we can't help you, as stated in the rules you had to accept to play," such a response would almost guarantee rage and bitterness from most people who aren't respectful or mature.

    Will the surveys change the behavior of the mods and administrators? The quality of their ticket resolutions? Do the benefits of these surveys outweigh the negatives?
    lryanle likes this.
  5. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    In my opinion, this wouldn't do much good. Besides abuse and such, what if the player didn't get the outcome they hoped for? Such as not being refunded on lost items?
  6. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    If there was some way to tell which are from real issues and which are people just mad about the rules then it could work. But then it would require either a more specific description, or an actual link to the issue. Both of which would hard to do without risking your anonymity.
  7. Snowfoxs

    Snowfoxs Well-Known Member

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    5:54 PM
    As a member of the management team, whom these metrics would be analyzed by, I have some concerns about this, and its accuracy.

    Lets look at this from a real-life example. In many big-box stores (including my employer), there's often an offer to get a chance to win a gift card worth X amount, if you complete a survey for the company. The survey is often a LTSA (likelihood to shop again) survey which is directly linked to employee numbers, and bad numbers can often lead to disciplinary actions.

    This system is more often than not fatally flawed. For more than one reason too. Some have been stated above, some are points I've observed myself in other applications of this system.

    • Easy potential for abuse by players and staff members alike
    • Bad reviews due to not receiving a desired outcome
    • Negative interactions are several orders of magnitude more likely to receive feedback (results in inaccurate averages, standard deviation, etc.) While positive interactions nearly always go unnoticed. This already happens.
    • Excludes people who don't make tickets, how would people who get direct support in-game, discord chat, or on the forums complete a survey?
    • More work for the player/customer to do in the support process.

    If we can devise a way to remove these issues from the system, I might would be able to consider supporting it. However I see more issues than benefits here. Just my $0.02.
  8. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    lol i'd get banned for all the negative reviews i would give (based on my most recent staff/ticket reactions/interactions).
    ben_mkiv and WishMage like this.
  9. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    At my work, you can get "kudo calls" when the member decides that you've been so great, they want to tell your supervisor. However, while the people who I assist regularly are usually happy with me, especially the ones I take time to explain and help out when they have an issue... They don't generally ask to tell your supervisor.
    Then there's the utter jerks who apparently didn't listen to the recording saying that you need "this, this, AND that to schedule". So we're not supposed to let them keep looking for the information longer than one minute, because it affects our call quality. They need to call back. This one lady hears me sighing after TWO MINUTES of waiting for her to get her junk together and demands to speak with a supervisor. Sure, fine. Can I talk to your mother and tell her you need a spanking for making the nice lady wait and all the other people wait too? Oh, and this was Monday morning, one of the busiest times for my work.

    No, this idea sucks because people always complain about bad things, but rarely say when you've done good.
    Sandstroem likes this.
  10. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    11:54 PM
    Don't get caught sighing on the phone.
  11. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    6:54 PM

    Our player base would never use or abuse surveys about staff activity to impugn our staff!
  12. Pseudonycat

    Pseudonycat Well-Known Member

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    There would be no way to make it anonymous as in a ticket the name of the player is needed to solve the issue, I feel like this would create a bad vibe along staff and players. In the other hand I feel like this wouldn't be abused as you wouldn't want to be caught abusing a system against staff. You wouldn't want to be know as "That one player who hates staff for some reason"
    In conclusion, this kind of adds more fuel to the fire than it does putting it out, and that's a weird metaphor for saying, it adds more problems than it solves, but it kinda could be a nice social experiment to see if players would behave in surveys. But that's just my two cents don't hang me up and murder me,
    Love, Pseudonycat.
    *ring ring*

  13. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    10:54 PM
    A way to do it might be if you only offer the survey if the ticket is fully completed it's course, for example:
    Player: Can i please have my claimed chunks reset, it wont allow me to do the command for some reason
    mod: Yes, of course we can, please wait upto 5-10 minutes for the request to go through
    *10 minutes later*
    player: Thanks, my chunks are reset, now i can start playing on a nice fresh claim :D
    Mod: Thank you, if you don't mind can you please participate in this survey about how your ticket experience was *insert survey link*

    Of course this situation is entirely hypothetical, but y'know
  14. PhishTahkoh

    PhishTahkoh Patron Tier 3

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    5:54 PM
    I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not...
    I'm thinking a more likely situation might be:

    Player: Can you restore my claim that was deleted due to inactivity?
    Mod: Sorry, but as per the rules, we cannot complete that request.
    Player: Well, that sucks, can you at least restore some of my items?
    Mod: Sorry, but I am afraid we can't do that either.
    Player: Is there anything you can do?
    Mod: Sorry, but no. If you don't mind can you please participate in this survey about how your ticket experience was?
    Player: I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.
    wyndman likes this.
  15. Snowfoxs

    Snowfoxs Well-Known Member

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    5:54 PM
    As this will not really work well; as pointed out by myself and others, I'll go ahead and mark this thread completed.

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