Hey there folks! I started here a couple weeks ago and I am enjoying myself. (well except when I fall into the void with my builders wand.....again). But I have noticed something that I didn't see when playing this map in single player, and that is the SKILLS. Chop down some trees and I have a level in Treecutting. Kill some monsters with my axe, and I have a level in Axes. Harvest some sugarcane, and I have some levels in Herbalism. Make a sword and kill some mobs with it (or even use the frying pan) and I have some levels in Swords. Dig up enough stuff with my pick, and I now have some levels in Mining. Just what are these skills? How do I find out what skills I have? How do I show their levels. And what do these skills do for me?
The skills are from the plugin mcMMO and it gives you some extra abilities which are very useful. (eg treecutter gives you a special ability with that you can fell a tree with just breaking one block and that with a whole bunch of trees. The Mining ability gives your a abilitie called "Berserker" with that you can mine faster, etc... it just adds some features to the game. Not more not less.
About these skills, any chance it would work with Manyullyn tools? Passives seem to work, actives tho, when you try to activate it (shift + RMB I belive), does not work. It must be related with a fact that these tools got an ability to place blocks/torches with RMB, no idea how it works... Did you guys heard of it?
We disabled the ability for TiCon tools. As they are already fast enough and the tools get broken if you use the ability.
My woodcutting says "treecapitator 0" on the right side when it levels up, but when I look at the stats in chat it says Treecapitator 2 seconds. I tried with a normal axe and it doesn't want to work
By tools getting broken, you mean overpowered? Coz pretty sure no1's using any other tools than ones from TiCon.
No, the ability sets an enchantment on your tool and if this happens with a TiCon tool it will change it to a wooden TiCon tool.
So, is there any way to bring up a list of these skills with a person's level. Other than when we gain a level? Because, while that little wiki is helpful, no mention of a feature like that is mentioned.