Done Broke My Game

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by TheVampiricT, Jun 29, 2017.

  1. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    10:41 PM
    Hey MyM,
    There is not an actual problem, yet, but I think I may have found a bug that crashes your game. And before you ask, I will not provide logs because I have absolutely no clue how to find them ( and don't try to tell me, because I do NOT run a windows computer and I have no idea where anything is on my iMac )
    So I chiseled one of the Inverted Lamps from ProjectRed and placed one on my smeltery. With a Staff of Power ( and my brother who tried the Wyvern Pickaxe ) we both crashed to the launcher.

    -- No, I do not need advice. -- -- This may just be a bug -- -- I don't know where to put this on the forums, but it is not just community talk --

    Anyway, just reporting thing!
    - TheVampiricT

    Bullcrap stuff just to mention:

    Competitive Builder
    Infinity 6 Competition 2nd Place winner
    Infinity 6 Player ( Second Run Through Of Infinity on IN6 )
    BeeHappy: Complete
    Thomas Steele of House Steele, 2nd of his name.
    Lord of The Marble Isles
  2. yurikha27

    yurikha27 Well-Known Member

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    Well, we have no clue how to fix problems without a crash log! The launcher console thingy might have useful information, but we really need that stack trace to figure out the problem.
    Yeah, it's somewhat troublesome , but knowing where your Minecraft folder is can come in useful... (Kids these days... Back in my day, we had to install mods into minecraft.jar [with Archive Utility!!!] and they're complaining about even finding the folder!)
    It's located in %Appdata%\.mineyourmind\instances\<modpack name>\crash-reports
    ... (Waits for explosion of anger because above path is for Windows)
    On my 2010 MacBook Pro, Minecraft was located in /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/.mineyourmind/instances/<modpack name>/crash-reports.
    Maybe there was no "." in the mineyourmind. I can't remember exactly. And my MacBook is broken.

    Anyways, you should be able to find it in Application Support.
  3. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    It's also a known bug, chiseling those things crashes the client when you try and interact with them. I could attempt to summon a @Senior Moderator to remove the block for you, but they may ask follow up questions.
  4. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    10:41 PM
    You will need to provide a crash-report in order for us to assist you further. You can find a crash-report by following the guide I have linked here.
  5. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    10:41 PM
    I got the block out haha. I just wanted to report it just so it is on the forums somewhere, so if someone else has the issue they know they are not the only one...
    Haha its fine. I am still getting used to the computer... and I am just popping in before I go to the gym, so with @ColinAndress 's info I might be able to find it. >,<
  6. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    10:41 PM
    Oh, okay. Marking this as done then.
  7. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    10:41 PM
    Okalie Dokalie

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