Done Lord of Torment Does Not Appear in his Dimension

Discussion in 'Sky Factory 2' started by Fracknoid, Jun 25, 2017.

  1. Fracknoid

    Fracknoid Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    6:14 PM
    Having looked around the forums, and witnessing it myself, it's come to my attention that the Lord of Torment does not appear in his dimension.

    Using the Scroll of Torment in a Witch circle, we summoned a Lord of Torment to the Overworld. After getting his health down halfway, he teleported us to his Torment dimension. However! Upon arriving to this dimension, the Lord of Torment does not appear. Also, there are signs of other players having visited this dimension, in the past.

    Initial Query: Would a dimension reset resolve this issue?

    If a dimension reset would not resolve the issue with the boss not arriving in his dimension, could we perhaps have a Trade at Spawn to use the Scroll of Torment on?

    What the Lord of Torment drops:
    Enchanted Books (not important)
    Miniature Yellow Hearts (not important)
    Demon Hearts (useful, but not too important)
    Soul of Torment Demon (IMPORTANT)

    Final Query:
    Thus, if a reset does not return this boss, could we at least get a spawn trade established for trading Scroll of Torment for Soul of Torment Demon?
    ElectricPoof and agbfygl like this.
  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Local Time:
    11:14 PM
    Added the world to weekly reset, not sure why it wasn't already.
  3. Fracknoid

    Fracknoid Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    6:14 PM
    Thank you very much! :D

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