Implemented Wand of Animation durability

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by LSautter, Jun 29, 2017.

  1. LSautter

    LSautter Well-Known Member

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    2:50 PM
    Hello, many late-game players in Project Ozone 2 Kappa including myself are having trouble with their wand of animation and getting it repaired. The repair process usually fails because of server lag or something of that sort and many players get upset because they need to make multiple of these wands which are not cheap. Everyone thinks it would be fair to give the wand more durability or infinity durability due to MYM disabling the auto-spawning of blocks and it being difficult to repair it. Just a suggestion to give it more durability so players don't need to worry about making more wands.
    aBaguette_ likes this.
  2. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    Roof of the Nether, or an island in the Last Millennium are good spots to do the Altar of Repair. Aidoneus and I used these two locations on our play through with better success.
  3. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    While it would be nice if the wand had infinite durability, it would be extremely overpowered if it did. Right now you have to break up your block duping with repair sessions that may I point out require an item without an emc value for each repair. If the wands had infinite durability, you would be able to make an entire inventory of octuple cobble in seconds. But as it is now you can only make a few stacks before needing to repair.
  4. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    I was the one that came up with the current mechanics. It was eithe this, or a highrt durability but no repair.
  5. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    Wait so why was the indented method disabled again? I thought it was just because it was orrigionally counted as a dupe glitch?
  6. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    The ability to copy blocks is turned iff due to people spawning them in the mfr spawners and crashing the server to a point the map is currupted and everybody looses everything
  7. LSautter

    LSautter Well-Known Member

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    Oh, well I guess its good then the way it is. Didn't know how big of an issue it became.
  8. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    If you never ask you would never know.

    ... Unles you know this thing existed called a search function.

  9. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    • Removed search button
    • Added ask BookerTheGeek button
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  10. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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  11. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    4:50 PM
    I lol'd irl at that.
  12. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Doesn't this happen with every mob?
  13. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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  14. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Why are animated blocks different from other mobs in terms of lag? (google doesn't seem to have an answer...)
  15. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    They don't remember if they cause a lot of lag or not but;

    This is the reason we have it this way. You have to understand something. If we reverted our changes, we would have to spend hours blacklisting mobs and figuring out which blocks do this. Correct me if I am wrong @BookerTheGeek but didn't we determine that this isn't really an option?
  16. LSautter

    LSautter Well-Known Member

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    2:50 PM
    @Aidoneus @BookerTheGeek I don't think we need to be able to animate blocks due to spending hours of coding and what not, but I believe this wand should have more durability. This is because normally, you right click a block, spawn it, run it over night, and then you have a surplus of that block. Since that is banned, maybe give the wand more/infinite durability to balance it out. It is very challenging to get EMC now because, big netherstar farms aren't allowed and bedrock's EMC is no longer 350 million so you can't copy that for loads. Honestly the only good way to get EMC due to bans/nerfs of EMC production, is just sitting there copying octuple cobble. Maybe give the wand infinite durability but remove octuple? This is a rather fair trade in my opinion because it would be the closest thing to the real wand of animation and it is very hard to obtain.
  17. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    4:50 PM
    @Aidoneus Sure, I can explain.

    Ok, so it is not lag, not really. There is a lag element but that was sort of just icing on the cake for the reason why we decided this. Story time...
    • Mobs in MineCraft (such as Zombies) are a living, ticking entity. Each Minecraft tick, it runs some code to see what it is going to do.
    • Blocks (In this post, Block = Iron Ore) are items. It will only tick under a specific set of circumstances.
    • Blocks that become alive are both, and neither. So not only do you have a bunch of code to make it alive, you also now have to run the Living code on the block along with block code.
    Ok, so that is why it is laggier. But that is not the main issue. I am going to give you an example of a common occurrence before we changed things.

    Player A: Look Wand of Animation!
    Player B: Cool, let's animate a Chest full of Nether stars.
    Player A: Already on it!
    Player B: Lets spawn it in a MFR mob spawner, and now we have all the Nether Stars!
    Some time later....
    Admin: Sorry the server rolled back 2 hours people. Something was corrupted in somebody's mob farm and we had to roll back.
    Next day...
    Player A: Let's do Awakened Draconium!
    Player B: Yeah!
    Player A: I wonder if it caused the server to crash?
    Player B: Nah, that was not us. :)
    Later that day:
    Staff: So, I hate to tell everybody but the map is corrupted. So we will have to roll back to our last backup (6 hours). As no admins are currently online, we have to wait. Sorry Guys.

    Now, an Admin has to restore the map from Backup, AND figure out what caused the first map to break in the first place and remove it in game so this does not happen again. First hand experience this can take upwards of 24 hours or longer (As in I did this many times). So no server until this gets fixed.

    No, imagine this happening, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. This is why we changed it.
  18. LeapingSheep

    LeapingSheep Well-Known Member

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    10:50 PM
    I personaly havent got the wand of animation yet... working realy hard on it.
    But i may have a suggestion:
    What if the wand of animation have a cooldown before you can craft a stack again?
    And it doesnt break?
  19. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    This is pretty hard to implement. As we do like suggestions, this is hard to implement for a MineTweaker point of view. I actually don't think this is possible.
  20. Soycake

    Soycake Master of AE Lags

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    It's been a while since I've played on Kappa mode, but couldn't you add a block (or any "expensive" item really) to repair wand of animation to? Forgot if you could link repair item to certain tools with MineTweaker but I know there are some late game recipes that take lots of catalysts and what not, and could be used as a wand of animation repair item on anvils.

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