Implemented Wand of Animation durability

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by LSautter, Jun 29, 2017.

  1. LeapingSheep

    LeapingSheep Well-Known Member

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    I like this suggestion aswel if thats possible 63items seems a little to little for this wand of animation. Before you need to repair it.
  2. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    In this case, preventing animated chests and Bamboo chests from being spawned would be enough, if it's possible. If not, removing the possibility of capturing them, either by banning nets with those specific NBT tags (again, not sure if it's possible) or just killing all animated chests and Bamboo chests every tick. All other blocks with inventories cannot be animated.
  3. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    11:39 PM
    The repair altar needs an elastic Fibre to repair the Wand so why not just add a recipe for repairing it when crafting it with an elastic Fibre?
    Since so many people are asking for it?
  4. LSautter

    LSautter Well-Known Member

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  5. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    It is not possible with Minetweaker

    Yes, I can make it repairable with any item or combination of items.

    There was a reason for this Number even if I don't remember it off the top of my head.

    Preventing the spawns is not something that can be done without a significant performance loss every time ANY animated block is spawned due to how the mod signifies they are alive.

    As for blacklisting the offending blocks for the wand being able to animate, not possible.

    I am all for redoing what is possible with the wand, and even the repair mechanics, and how much durability it has. But many of the suggestions are, personally speaking, a bit whiney. Give me a real suggestion, that is actually balanced, along with both a PRO and a CON. Once a few of those come in, I'll redo the script and submit it to the Staff at MYM to see if they want to implement it.
  6. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Chests and Bamboo Crates are separate entities. Their names are: Erebus.EntityAnimatedChest and Erebus.EntityBambooCrate. Killing them every game tick would prevent players from using them without a significiant performance loss.
  7. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Maybe make repairing the staff less buggy by giving it a crafting recipe that accepts any form of damage on the staff plus a certain number of expensive (endgame only) items that you should allready have because you made the staff in the first place. That altar of repair bugs out way too often.
  8. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    11:39 PM
    I still think my suggestion about repairing it with elastic Fibre would be balanced for two reasons,
    One, that's what the repair altar requires to repair the wand anyway, so it is sticking with the theme of the intended repair method
    And Two, the downside is that elastic fibers Don't have and EMC value, so the player cannot just spawn stacks in whenever they need 500 stacks of draconium or something, they have to go to the Erebus and farm them, or make a spawner for whatever drops them and wait for it to collect some.

    Personally I don't mind how the wand works now, the only thing I would change is to increase the durability a bit so that after 73 operations there is 1 durability left. (I don't feel like explaining why that number but there is a reason)
    Although I know that the only reason I don't mind is that I play on normal mode not kappa :p
    But even tho I don't mind how it works now, the amount of people asking for a change seems like a pretty good indicator to me that some tweaking is needed ;)
    WishMage likes this.
  9. LSautter

    LSautter Well-Known Member

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    @BookerTheGeek maybe, like everyone else is saying, make it a craftable recipe. Take the wand + an expensive Item (maybe a wyvern core/cosmic meatballs. Something hard to get, but not so hard it is just better to repair it normally.) and repair it. I think what @coolgi3000 said is very fair. Maybe instead of 1 elastic fibre, make it 2 or 3 so it is more pricy than normal if you want to stick to the elastic fibre.
  10. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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  11. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    If you start with one block, you dupe it and you have 8, dupe those and you have 64, but if you put those 64 in the crafting grid and shift click to get 8 stacks of 64, then it breaks. If there were exactly 73 uses in it then after doing what I just described you would have exactly 1 use left and you would have the chance to repair it.
    It would be more of a convenience change so you don't have to carefully count each use so as to not break it without meaning to.
  12. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Makes sense, thank you.
  13. Soycake

    Soycake Master of AE Lags

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    Also is wand of animation that expensive? o_O ?? I remember making like 5+ in one go before I quit Kappa mode.
  14. LSautter

    LSautter Well-Known Member

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    @BookerTheGeek Another reason this needs to be implemented is there is simply no other good way of getting EMC. Late game you need so much EMC its ridiculous. My current way of getting EMC is just copying octuple cobble. That is the only way I can get EMC. I can't get a farm for nether stars because it will cause lag. If my wand breaks, I will have no way go get EMC other than a cobble gen. Not to mention I don't think it will be OP to add unlimited durability because the pack is hard enough due to MYM disabling dimensions which is a fantastic way of getting EMC. It's also not to OP because normally you animate a block and auto-spawn it, then you have infinite. So I don't see the difference. This would make it the most fair for other EMC generating ways disabled. Maybe instead of copying from 1 to 8, maybe 1 to 2 or 1 to 4 if the wand has unlimited durability. As well as disable it from AE autocrafting if that is possible.
  15. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    I'll ehip something up tonight and submit it to staff.
  16. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    I still think infinite durability would be way too OP, not because of how much you can get out of one wand but because of how fast. Normally with the spawner it would take possibly an hour or two depending on how many spawners you had going to make a whole inventory of blocks. But with infinite durability you would be able to fill your inventory in seconds.
    Assuming it takes even 5 seconds to fill your inventory with octo cobble, then that's over 20,000,000,000 emc per second. As opposed to only 20,000,000 per spawn that takes maybe 5 seconds per spawn per spawner. (So 4,000,000 emc per second)
    Obviously my math is a bit rough but still close enough to show how huge the difference is.
  17. LSautter

    LSautter Well-Known Member

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    @coolgi3000 20 billion EMC is a pretty fair amount every second when you need a stupid amount. Maybe you don't need that much in normal, but Kappa, you need that. Also I don't want to spend weeks just sitting there waiting on EMC.
  18. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    Kappa mode IS supposed to be hard. Try a Creative Tank full of Bedrockium.

    On normal mode, gold chunkload a 1chunk area with a Temperio -> Demon Steel smelting loop.

    Want even faster EMC? Learn some patience or start a SP game. You can't build in MP the same type of setups you might use in SP.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  19. LSautter

    LSautter Well-Known Member

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    Good point @Broklyn_Datroll, but I am almost to a creative tank. That is what I am pushing for. No reason to start SP now. Also I have patience, but there is a difference between waiting a day or two for some EMC, and waiting weeks for a cobble gen to get you you're EMC. Unless you set up a tiny netherstar farm, but that will not get you anywhere when you need trillions of EMC. Big netherstar farm = tps dropping, then an admin comes on and tears it down for you.
  20. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    10:39 PM
    @Broklyn_Datroll Working on a script now. Can you do me a favor please? Go in game and run the mt command to dump all blocks in game to the Minetweaker log, then get that for me please?

    Also, your thoughts...
    - Infinite durability or It breaks at some point
    - Crafting table repair mechanic?

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