Decided Against Patron / Tier Donors Early Access

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by lryanle, Jul 2, 2017.


Should Tier 3+ Donors join normal Patrons on 1 day early access?

  1. Tier 3+ Donors should join Patrons for 1 day

  2. Tier 3+ Donors should join Patrons early, but not as early as 1 day

  3. Tier 3+ Donors shouldn't join Patrons at all

  4. I'm honestly a stud muffin. (Potato)

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    6:28 AM
    Hey guys, so I came up with a random idea while in the shower. After becoming a Tier 3 donor for over a year now, I noticed that we really don't get anything special for what we pay for (More than 2x previous tier). <clip>

    TLDR: Because Tier 3 donors doesn't have a star perk worth the money, why not share the 1 day early access with Patrons (Patron donors have other special features, and Early access for them isn't their star feature as the activity of servers going up doesn't make it too useful).

    Special Perks
    Tier 1 - 5€
    • Colored chat
    • Reserved slot
    • Teleport cooldown bypass
    • 1 kit
    Tier 2 - 10
    • Mobile enderchest
    • Mobile workbench
    • Keep xp on death
    • 2 kits
    Tier 3 - 25€
    • /back (doesn't go back on death)
    • /feed (4 hour cooldown)
    • No AFK kick
    • /hat (useless in modded)
    • 3 kits
    Tier 4 - 50€
    • /back on death
    • Creative Flight
    • /nick
    • /heal
    • 1 Op Kit, 3 normal
    Tier 5 - 80
    • Godmode
    • Teleport delay bypass
    • Compass teleport
    • 2 Op kits
    • 1 day early access
    • 1 month inactivity reset timer
    • 28 tokens p/day
    • Special title in game, on the forums, and on discord
    • 2 day early access
    • 2 month inactivity reset timer
    • 42 tokens p/day
    • Special title in game, on the forums, and on discord

    *Bold = Highlighted Perks

    Sorry for my grammar, its early in the morning for me =)
  2. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    I feel is if tier 3+ donators had early access there wouldn't be a point in patron. That's its best feature and the main reason why most people would get it (or so I assume).
    lryanle, Kazeodori and Peace7904 like this.
  3. Tuffnoodle

    Tuffnoodle Well-Known Member

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    I agree, one of the important aspects of the Patron system was to have it contain different perks as opposed to the Tier system, so they don't conflict. If we start giving Tier donors (one time payment) the same perks as Patron donors (monthly payment), there's really no point in having the Patron system.
    It's not very fair either, a Patron that pays for 3 months pays more than a Tier 3 donor, but both would get the same perk? This is why the Tier and Patron perks are separate, to avoid conflicting rewards between the systems.
  4. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    7:28 AM
    I don't think that T3 should share any perks with patron, but I do partially agree with the point that T3 doesn't have as many notable rewards.
    It cost 25€, more then T1,and2 combined (well the cost of T 1&2 + 10€ but still from T1->2 is only 5€ But you get arguably better perks) but the best things you get are another normal kit and /back. I don't think it's that much of a problem but it would be nice to get a little more bang for your buck ;)
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2017
  5. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    12:28 PM
    Do you have some ideas which would not intervene with the patron sub?
  6. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    12:28 PM
    Right now we have
    Tier 1: 1 normal kit
    Tier 2: 2 normal kit
    Tier 3: 3 normal kit
    Tier 4: 3 normal + 1 op
    Tier 5: 3 normal + 2 op

    My suggestion would be to change Tier 3 from "3 normal" to "2 normal + 1 op"

    Which results in:

    Tier 1: 1 normal kit
    Tier 2: 2 normal kit
    Tier 3: 2 normal + 1 op
    Tier 4: 3 normal + 1 op
    Tier 5: 3 normal + 2 op
    lryanle and Adrianfish like this.
  7. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    7:28 AM
    The only new thing I can think of would be some kind of potion buff command. Like if you could do /nightvision to give yourself night vision for like 2 minutes. Or /speed. Then as the tiers progress you could get more, like T4 could have /regen and /Resistance or something. And then T5 could have all of the buffs unlocked like absorption and maybe even buffs added by mods like warp ward for thaumcraft and more control over the level of them and how long they last.
    Oh and maybe some kinda clearing command to clear all buffs and / or debuffs.
    I think it would be pretty cool to be able to speed boost and jump boost. Sorta as a little extra movement before you get /fly with the next tier ;)
    Would that type of thing be easy to do?
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2017
  8. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    6:28 AM
    Another suggestion for tier 3 is maybe move down a tier 4 reward down? Tier 4 has a lot of bang with it's buck, and maybe sharing it might help^^

    A few rewards that you could move down to make it even is Fly or back on death...

    And maybe giving 1 op kit too

    Also, another random shower thought was adding cosmetics... Of course this server is modded, but maybe some tags can be added (replace the "Lost Soul" "Titan" "Farmer" roles). Doing this can better use the tags on the left, and might give patrons quite a substantial bling. They could maybe receive 1 cosmetic crate a day, and Patron+ receives 2, and when opening it, it gives you a random tag, particle effect, vote booster?, shop credits, vote credits, vote crates (soon tm?), Myms, claimblocks, and the small chance of receiving donor perks? (0.01%?).

    Sorry for my fragmented writing, its early in the morning for me

    (Doing any of these won't result in a conflict as nothing is being removed, just added)

  9. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    I thought about moving down rewards from other tiers. But it may diminish the value of those tiers a bit... or a lot. If you move flying down to tier3 then people will just start complaining that T4 isn't worth it (just like this thread is about T3 ;) )

    Oh and about the random loot crates...
    No God Please no, no, nooooooooo!
    Jk but still plz no random chance rewards :p

    The OP kit would be nice but kits kinda fall off in usefulness when you get to late game. (And with some kits they even fall off after the first few times you get that kit like the tools one. :( )
  10. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    One thing that I think would be cool is a comand like /head playername so you could get heads.
  11. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    6:28 AM
    You may say moving down flight will diminish the value of T4, but all of T4's perks are useful, as T3 has near one... Moving down one might equal out T3, and make everything have value with the price...
  12. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    Well in my oppinion you also need to think about it in terms of likelihood to buy the rank. It may look greedy at first glance, but the server needs as much money as it can get to keep it running and to afford more servers and upgrades. If flight were moved down a tier then people would be less likely to upgrade to tier 4, personally I am going to upgrade to tier 4 eventually because of fly. If it were in tier 3 I wouldn't have as much of a reason to upgrade. True there's still /back on death but if you are careful you can avoid dying easily enough after you get armor anyway so it's very situational.
    Don't get me wrong, I would love having /fly with tier 3, but I feel like doing that would hurt the income of the server even if just a little, while adding a new perk like potion buffs or player heads would only help it because new perks increase the value of all ranks not just exchange value between two. ;)
    Just my 2¢
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2017
    lryanle and Adrianfish like this.
  13. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    6:28 AM
    I understand what you're saying, and I agree, so maybe /back on death for T3, might be better?
  14. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    7:28 AM
    Well it's all up to slind and sirwill as to what they want to do if anything, but just to summarize what we have so far
    TL;DR of suggestions
    - add an OP kit to T3
    - add potion buff commands (power and variety could progress through tiers)
    - player heads
    - move a perk from T4 to T3 (likely /fly, or /back on death, or /nick)
    That look about right?
    - alternate tags to ontime rank tags

    Personally i still like the potion buff idea but that would probably be the hardest to implement :(
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2017
    lryanle likes this.
  15. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    Or maybe add a special tags to replace the ontime rank tags^^
    TheVampiricT likes this.
  16. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    7:28 AM
    Any decision yet on if you want to do anything here Slind?
  17. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    12:28 PM
    In my personal opinion the /back and no afk kick are major players for the rank. Personally I do not see it being totally out of balance.

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