erm... soooo i've been trying many ways to taint an hungry node... trying to fill a full chunk with taint from a primal focus... making a tainted biome... letting the node in... welll not working... tried on many other nodes too sooo i got curious... if u feed an hungry node with tainted stuff... will it remove the hungry state and make it tainted !? like tainted goo
I'm pretty sure that hungry nodes always stay hungry [doublepost=1499028320][/doublepost]also unless it is disabled if you create too much "stuff" in the crucible it will create "taint" around it and eventually would build up and start changing the biome
Taint biome is the only way to convert a Hungry node. But since Taint spread is off, I am not sure (and still waiting on my PC to arrive from the shipping company so can not test personal) if it can convert a Hungry node like normal.
Meh i never really got that far into nodes, I remember in Thaum 3 you could drag nodes around with the cluster crystal and make a giant super node that would spawn a billion wisps [doublepost=1499028777][/doublepost]Man the "vis" concept was a good one.... And those things you could stick in the crucible to not get bad vis... AND the random research.. i miss thaum 3 sometimes Hmm, some modder should make a port of thaum 3, i would play it for days
blblblblblblbll why is it even off on a sky block server !? thats dumb XD [doublepost=1499029073][/doublepost] thaum 5 got back sum of these features i think its pretty good apparently , and damn thats like the node i had on Bee happy '^' but smaller ... BUT DAMN >3< love it
Thaum 5, does it bring back random research ? and what version is it? Also that node is later on in yogscast duncan's tekkit series
random research never got away '^' it just... became different >.> knowledge shards and all... and aw i never watched a full Duncan serie :I i like him ... but damn hes borring sometimes... like... REAL borring xD i watched like 100 ep... and then let go... idk... after a bit it just... meh [doublepost=1499029734][/doublepost] also .... saddly right now Thaum 5 isn't in any packs well maybe 1 .... but no one made a pack out of it yet '^'
i mean, knowledge shards only give you aspects, i like the whole put a feather in to see if it will give you a clue to the research" and anyways most of the time knowledge fragments are hard to come by [doublepost=1499030005][/doublepost]1.8 eh? thats a lil' annoying since my new modpack is 1.7.10
what , no lol , knowledge shards can be used to craft random researches XD !!!!! [doublepost=1499030484][/doublepost] and well yeah 1.8 ... its new after all '^' [doublepost=1499030592][/doublepost] and thaumcraft 5 is basically an overwhaul of thaumcraft 4 ... added sum stuff... ecetera ecetera
welllll when you are litterally able to farm them at 30K .... YEAH eat them XD the researches are too ez anyway :I i don't see any need to take random researches ... well maybe for researches that u don,t know how to reach >.> but u do that once u can't unlock anything else XD also this thread didn't got answered ... if the node eat tainted stuff... does it get tainted !?
so how do you give aspects to not hungry nodes? Also your best bet is finding a taint biome and..... oh wait... Also why do you want a taint node?
placing a tainted node next to a non-tainted will cause the non-tainted to become tainted (I've tested this on multiple servers on MyM)
because u can't stabilize an hungry node easily... it will eat the stabilizers and ernergizers... i would need like 25 of each conected to... block placers.... or even just my ME system with planes... puting down one everything the node eat it ... but its such a pain to do that im lazy... so when u taint it , its supposed to lose its hungryness ... and can be stabilized ... which make it easier [doublepost=1499045770][/doublepost] hm yea but i would need a tainted node already... and on a sky block server... thats freakin hard to find [doublepost=1499045965][/doublepost] also , looks like .... the Outerlands have taint spread ON i think i could just bring a node in my outerlands and wait ?