Done Pam's Harvestcraft Gardens are not working properly

Discussion in 'Beyond' started by Rekalty, Jul 14, 2017.

  1. Rekalty

    Rekalty Well-Known Member

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    Made a ticket the other day, but it has yet to be handled, so I figured I would make a thread, also to let players on the server know.

    The Gardens you can find around the world(s) from Pam's Harvestcraft are not giving crops/plants from the mod, most of them aren't giving anything at all. It's apparently an issue with a broken/outdated config file, it simply needs to be deleted and then it will be regen'ed once the server reboots and the issue should solve itself, at least it worked for me doing so in singleplayer, just waiting for an admin to notice the ticket so we can get access to Pam's stuff.
    PhishTahkoh likes this.
  2. Rekalty

    Rekalty Well-Known Member

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    3 days now, ticket is still unhandled. I'm guessing we're short on Admins currently?
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Yeah, we have a lot of pressing issues open (players not able to login/crashing and server instability), hence this is a little down the line.
    In most cases the server and client configs need to be in sync, if they are not, weird issues can arise, therefor some testing is required.

    Do you know if this was reported to the modpack dev already, or did you report it? That would be great.
  4. Rekalty

    Rekalty Well-Known Member

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    As per the ticket I made, I linked to the reddit thread that contained the solution for me, being deleting the config file to have the mod regen it properly: Pam's Harvestcraft gardens not producing drops? [FTB Beyond 1.10.2]

    Also, the issue was reported last month on the github issues page, a post by Syndaryl points out the possible issue as well as another way of fixing it, in this case relating to a case-sensitive line: Gardens not dropping items Minecraft v1.10.2 · Issue #296 · MatrexsVigil/harvestcraft · GitHub

    Given these, I didn't see the need to report it myself, as it's a known and already reported issue.
    [doublepost=1500308636,1500248139][/doublepost]Config has been updated, Gardens now give the proper items.

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