Done Absence for more than 1 month

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by TheVampiricT, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    Hey MyM!

    Soo, yea. I am going on my summer vacay down to the Southern state of Georgia. For you Europeans, that is 13 hours away from where I am, in Virginia. But - because I am going to see my dad (separate parents) I am going to be staying till August 28th, and I will be offline before July 28th (to where I could go the 1 month with my claim not resetting. And I probably won't be getting on during the whole time for a multitude of reasons
    - No internet
    - Not risking damaging my iMac, it was expensive and I am flying back.
    - Family matters
    - Its the south, how many video games could I actually play while doing whatever southerners do.

    So there are 2 things that I have in mind:
    A) Could I get a /absence that would go until August 31st, as I won't be getting right after I get back (Unpacking, scrambling to get ready for school, etc.)
    Approx dates:
    7/20-7/22 I will be doing a lot of driving into the mountains of VA to visit some caverns, and I will probably not be able to get on. (Waking up early, being away from the house till late, being exhausted)
    Sunday 7/23 (Approx/Tentative) Driving down to South Carolina to visit family (not bringing computer for family reasons and they have the absolute worst internet ever)
    7/28 (Tentative) Driving to a meeting point to meet my father. NOT coming back to Virginia to get my computer (no time of course. Plus, even if I did bring it down to South Carolina, I would NOT bring it to Georgia as I am taking a flight back and if my computer broke during the process. Plus, my father has no WIFI at his house (Who doesn't have WIFI..) and I would have to leave it at my Grandmother (on my fathers side) because I am not dragging it back and forth... and they have terrible wifi too.
    Point of the matter - I will not have my computer with me and I will have no way to access/login to MyM Infinity to get the 14 day claim thingy.
    8/27-8/28 depending on when my flight is booked, that is when I will be flying back.
    Anywhere between 8/29-8/31 will be when I am able to log into MC at all - but it will be hectic. School supplies, getting my room ready, settling down, and catching up on Game Of "Mother Freaking" Thrones

    B) Have a claim transfer to AlienEpicPug because...
    Up until 8/14, he has the same dates as me, and that is within the 1month /absence.
    He will be returning separately from me for band on 8/14 and will most likely not be able to log on until 8/15-8/19

    He is my fraternal twin - same parents - ya dee ya dee ya. I trust him with my claim. Yes I still have to talk to him about this, but that is second option to the extended /absence (if an extended /absence is possible, I would love to do that)

    I do NOT trust him on my computer however! Some files are private and I do not give him full reign. And because I use a similar password for all accounts on everything, he would be able to get on my computer which I can NOT have happening. Like I said, private files. **Wink wink nudge nudge**

    AAaaaaannnnyyyway, hope someone can get back to me quickly.
    -Vamp (Thomas)
    Infinity Node 6 Player
    Infinity Node 6 Building Competitor
    BeeHappy Complete
    T4 Donor (Winnings)
    SanndyTheManndy likes this.
  2. I guess boogietrapping and then unclaiming your base isn't an option
  3. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    You can't really kill anyone in draconic armor.
  4. Infinity has witchery. Nothing beats witchery.
  5. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    How do you bypass drac armor with Witchery?
  6. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    Going off topic here. As for the extended absence, there isn't one. Our /absence command does give 28 days. As for the actual absence itself. Will you be able to have access to the server before your departure, on July 28th? Because if so, what I can do is give an absence at the beginning of August which will run until your return date.
    TheVampiricT likes this.
  7. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    Its sadly not easy to make an extended absence, requiring server do be shut down, databses edited etc. easiest way would be that you just transfer the claim to your twin yourself. you unclaim it and he claims it(if not enough claimblocks you can sell and buyclaimblocks with mym and transfer the money)
    tldr: absence not possible, just transfer the claim to your brother yourself
    TheVampiricT likes this.
  8. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    @Peace7904 I can try to get on before my departure, but I will not be able to get on after 7/23
    [doublepost=1500586370,1500567701][/doublepost]I will be on today (7/20) however
  9. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Maybe just download your base, destroy everything with a drac pickaxe, put the matter balls into a diamond-locked E-chest and then use a BC builder to rebuild it?
  10. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    My base is quite huge. I would rather not do that
  11. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    As Werwolf stated, the easiest thing will be to transfer it to your brother.
  12. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    That will probably be what I will do, I just have to make sure he does /absence
  13. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    If he doesn't, I can always run it for him. With his ok, of course.
  14. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    He will be, trust me
    Peace7904 likes this.
  15. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    I have a random question now. Why do you need his ok? It's not like doing a /absence for somebody could possibly hurt anything.
  16. AlienEpicPug

    AlienEpicPug New Member

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    Is there any way to get him "on" using console? Because I will be on within the next two weeks
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2017

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