Suggestions needed for new ExtraUtilties kits [1.10]

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by SirWill, Jul 21, 2017.

  1. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    10:04 PM
    As the mod changed a lot in 1.10 we can't use the kit we have on 1.7.10.
    Does anyone have ideas for a 1.10 Extra Utilties and Lava kit?

    Content of the 1.7 kits:
  2. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    5:04 PM
    Extra Utilities
    1x Dragon egg mill
    1x Dragon egg
    1x Resonator
    1x Furnace
    1x Crusher
    9x Cursed Earth
    2x Mega Torch
    20x Upgrade Speed
    8x Survivalist Generator
    2x Dimensional Transceiver
    1x Ender Tank
    4x Magmatic Dynamo
    4x Magmatic Generator
    20x Upgrade Speed
    16x Fluid Conduit
    1x Full Lava Drum
    3x Empty Drums
    1x Bucket
    1x Crescent Hammer
  3. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    A dragon egg mill and dragon egg seems a bit too easy to me, I would say 4 water mills instead (4x16GP when set up properly vs 100GP).

    I'd also suggest replacing the cursed earth with a few drop of evil so that people can choose whether to use it for cursed earth or for resturbed spawners.

    Finally I'd also add in some iron spikes.

    The lava kit is a bit trickier as the point of the lava kit in 1.7 was that you got the enderthermic pump which you could craft into the sirwill infinite lava tank, so idk what a good alternative to that would be, cause otherwise in order to get the lava once your initial drum ran out you would have to pump it from the nether or something which is precisely what the infinite lava tank was added to prevent, so if the lava kit is to be ported to 1.10 then the practice of making a sirwill tank fed by creative tanks chunkloaded at spawn would ideally be ported too, and then the lava kit could contain whatever item is used to replace the enderthermic pump in the sirwill tank recipe.
    SirWill, Kazeodori and Arvie like this.
  4. snakeworm11

    snakeworm11 Guest

    Actually, on Beyond we have a sirwilli tank, it just isn't able to be chunk loaded yet. So maybe we can add the pump in that recipe instead once the chunk loading plugin is ported over, so the purpouse would still be served
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    Dragon egg mill + dragon egg = 500 GP

    Cursed earth vs resturbed spawners is pretty good

    Sirwill tank is ported, the only issue is that on some 1.10 servers the spawn isn't chunkloaded
  6. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Oh yeah my mistake, well then my point about giving a dragon mill been too easy is 5x as valid ;)

    I've only been playing 1.10 exnihilo packs like Sky factory and Forever Stranded lately (waiting on AoE for my next big time sink lol), neither of which have sirwill tanks because lava production is an inherent part of the packs already, so I haven't seen a sirwill tank in 1.10 yet.
    Fireforce likes this.
  7. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    10:04 PM
    Extra Utilities
    4x Water mill
    1x Resonator
    1x Furnace
    1x Crusher
    9x Drop of Evil
    2x Mega Torch
    20x Upgrade Speed
    8x Survivalist Generator
    2x Dimensional Transceiver
    1x Ranged Pumps Pump
    4x Magmatic Dynamo
    4x Magmatic Generator
    20x Upgrade Speed
    16x Fluid Conduit
    1x Full Lava Drum
    3x Empty Drums
    1x Bucket
    1x Crescent Hammer

    Like that? Same price?
    Fireforce likes this.
  8. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Probably don't need that many drop of evil tbh, as 1 drop can convert a large area of dirt into cursed earth, and they aren't actually consumed when converting a vanilla spawner into a resturbed spawner either, so I'd say 4 drop of evil would be fine, but also as i said before I think the kit should contain some amount of iron spikes too.

    The lava kit looks good like that though ;)
  9. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    The Extra Utilities kit I think should be lowered in price to around 280. As the enderquarry is no longer in the kit and I believe it's worth around 100 credits.

    But the Lava kit I believe it should stay the same price.
  10. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    10:04 PM
    Oh ok, thought one per block.

    Extra Utilities
    4x Water mill
    1x Resonator
    1x Furnace
    1x Crusher
    4x Drop of Evil
    2x Mega Torch
    20x Upgrade Speed
    8x Survivalist Generator
    8x Iron Spike
    280 Credits
    2x Dimensional Transceiver
    1x Ranged Pumps Pump
    4x Magmatic Dynamo
    4x Magmatic Generator
    20x Upgrade Speed
    16x Fluid Conduit
    1x Full Lava Drum
    3x Empty Drums
    1x Bucket
    1x Crescent Hammer
    260 Credits

    How about that? Updated with suggested things.
    Adrianfish likes this.
  11. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    On the subject of quickstart kits, perhaps there are other mods that could do with having one, e.g. actually additions or immersive engineering, hell i'd probably be tempted to buy an ironbackpacks quickstart kit on any server that had one if it was reasonably priced :D
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2017
  12. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    10:04 PM
    Feel free to create a suggestion thread with kits.
  13. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Kits will be on the servers with the next restart. :)

    @chaosblad3 still waiting for your ideas for other kits :p
  14. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Well I dont really know for the actually additions or immersive engineering ones, I was going to make a suggestion for the iron backpacks on but that mod isn't on AoE so my motivation kinda flopped on that one :dead:
  15. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    Environment Tech seems to be pretty popular for 1.10 packs so you could add different ET Kits with Solar Panel + Void Miner (with resource + ore controller)

    Those would probably be best replacement for the missing Ender Quarry.
    Fireforce likes this.

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