Done Unclaimed Bases

Discussion in 'Regrowth' started by Fracknoid, Aug 1, 2017.

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  1. Fracknoid

    Fracknoid Well-Known Member

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    4:11 PM
    While flying around, leveling up my Academy Craft teleporter abilities, I stumbled across a few bases. Without a stick, I find the easiest way to check who the owner is is via opening a chest - if it's claimed, it says the player's name and that I don't have their permission. However, on occasion, I've found chests that simply allowed me access - these were standard, vanilla chests, thus these are (more than likely) unclaimed bases.

    I, personally, have no interest in these bases. However, when new players join, and they're struggling in the early points of the game, they'd feel more than tempted to try and take it over for themselves. That being said, what can be done about these unclaimed bases? Do I just create a ticket and put all the bases I find like this within the ticket, do I leave it be, or do I even demolish it down to bedrock (for the lulz)? I'm writing down the coordinates as I find them, just so that I can be prepared to do something when I get a response.
    ElectricPoof likes this.
  2. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Demolishing bases to bedrock is forbidden lmao
  3. Fracknoid

    Fracknoid Well-Known Member

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    When I said "for the lulz", I didn't mean actually breaking it to bedrock for lulz. I meant I said it "for the lulz." :p
  4. Tuffnoodle

    Tuffnoodle Well-Known Member

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    I advise against opening chests and whatnot at all that don't belong to you. However if you find unclaimed bases that looks abandoned you can submit a ticket from that area and our staff will look into it. A ticket is the best way since posting coords in public might invite less honest players to help themselves. ;)
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