Is it possible if we could add that Toggle Downfall Vote Command on AoE. It seems to rain a lot and it can be problematic at times ;(. This also use to be on some servers awhile a go also. To avoid abuse maybe have a cool down of 30 mins?
With the inability to sleep away rain because of so many players, I vote yes on being able to vote to end a downpour.
Think on it Rain blocks bees Rain blocks solar panels Rain is annoying Yes but make your bees so they ignorere Rain Dont use solar panels and Rain is meh i don mind Rain on minecraft I vote No caus i Think such a system would be abused
I agree that rain can be quite an issue but that is part of the early game challenge that makes a modpack a lasting modpack. I personally haven't personally played on the modpack yet but early to mid game is meant to be challenging because of natural challenged such as rain. To my knowledge rain is a very important aspect of windmill's in almost every mod pack that they are in (rain generally doubles their output of energy). To be honest if you are relying on a single energy source such as solar panels there is an issue there. Such a shame people want a command that would nerf one part of a mod pack and hyper buff another because they're too reliant on one thing.
Agreed, rain and storm are actually an enrgy production boost with many machines from both Immersive Engineering and later Environmental Tech, imao. But could still vote no if it has to be
Rain is a part of minecraft eversince I can think of it. It is a gameplay element that is used in a few mods such as witchery and thus makes it essential for some people. If you have a problem with rain, you might next demand a vote for /time day or anything similiar. IMO there is no need to vote for that, as every player, if he has problems with his machinery / bees can find a way around it, and if it just disturbs you with sounds or looks there is a way to disable volume or visuals clientside.
I don't have any particular opinion either way, but it should be noted that the rate of rain tends to be much higher on Multiplayer servers because the rain timer is rarely reset through sleeping.
i vote no, as even in real life i prefer the rain, it helps with power gen on environmental tech solar setups (with upgrades) and besides, who else is gunna water all the grass on the server??
Would a potential compromise solution be to reduce the rate of rainfall on these servers to be more in line with a situation where each night is slept through?
The old smarty pants answer is if you use solar move to the desert where it doesn't rain. How often is this rain falling by the way?
It rains a lot Wyndman i'm note sure how often it does but all I can say I have never seen it rain so much in my life!
Technical detail warning!*Disclaimer* This information is based on vanilla 1.10.2 forge and may be slightly inaccurate for Vanilla usage, and completely out if mods which mess with rainfall and day length are installed. Also note that I haven't slept for a while, and quite a bit of the maths here has been done by hand, but the results of about 25 minutes per hour of rain concur with practical testing. The Minecraft day/night cycle lasts 24000 ticks, or 20 minutes at 20tps. The ability to sleep is determined by the total world brightness, at any time when sky light is less than 11. This occurs based on a slightly awkward sinusoidal equation, but effectively amounts to any time where the day's time (world time % 24000) is between 12541 and 23458 ticks, or any time when the weather is thundering. Upon right clicking the bed to sleep, a timer is started during which the screen fades to black over 100 ticks, or 5 seconds. After this time, the player is considered fully asleep and will be counted as sleeping for sleep checks. Once all players in a world are asleep, discounting any trickery from mods like Morpheus, the day timer will be set to 0, rainfall will be cancelled and the rain timer will be set to between 12000 and 30000 ticks, and the thunder timer will be set between 12000 and 180000 ticks. Assuming all players in a world right click a bed immediately upon sleep becoming possible (discounting the negligible (641/168000 (about 0.3%)) chance that a thunderstorm will occur before it is possible to sleep from time), the night will be skipped and weather reset at time 12641. This gives a total possible time for rainfall to occur of 641 ticks, or a little over 32 seconds, per cycle, or around 1.5 minutes of rainfall maximum every hour at an absolute maximum, although this maximum will only happen in 0.0045% of 1 hour intervals, or around once every 13 weeks of constantly sleeping when possible. Technical detail ends Assuming server TPS is 20 and no nights are slept through, the time between rainfalls will be evenly distributed within 10-25 minutes, and the rainfall lasts between 10-20 minutes, again evenly distributed. This gives an average of 27.6 minutes per hour of rainfall. This is likely to be quite similar to the state on the server, as about 45% of all game ticks will have rainfall. The average rainfall in the hypothetical but technically feasible situation in which all nights are skipped as soon as possible amounts to about 10 seconds per hour, although that is admittedly a generous approximation as my capacity for accurate mental integration is lacking. This is about 1/170 of the rainfall when no nights are skipped. In a real single player world, where not all nights are skipped immediately, and some not at all, I'd expect about 5 or 6 minutes of rainfall per hour, or about 1/4 the value for leaving no nights skipped. Edit: I forgot to actually quote @wyndman's question.
TL;DR Well, actually, I did read it. So I lied. Hey Icy! Rain is part of the game. And, it powers lightning rods. You obviate parts of the pack by excluding rain. If a vote system goes into place, I'd hope that one "no" vote is all that is needed to keep the rain falling.