Done Squid / Black lotus spawning or alternative crafting

Discussion in 'Forever Stranded' started by Lachim_Heigrim, Aug 3, 2017.

  1. Lachim_Heigrim

    Lachim_Heigrim Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    6:01 AM
    Forever Stranded uses Spice Of Life, so we need to cook large variety of food. This is simplified by Cooking For Blockheads providing machines that accelerate cooking. The main block require black-colored hardened clay. Black color according to JEI can only be received as squid ink or AA's black lotus.

    I tried retrieving both and failed in early game. Is this intentional?

    I used 1.5 stacks on bonemeal on grass attempting to spawn black lotus flower, however with no success.

    In terms of squids I tried:
    1) Manual fishing with rod (almost 1 rod used)
    2) Pam's Harvestraft fish farm (about 20-30 fish bait)
    3) A spawn farm located between 38 < Y < 46, no squid spawned for now.

    It might be the ink is meant to be difficult to get in the pack and should be only received as quest reward or loot. Could anyone please confirm? I've seen YT videos where spawn farm worked, but it might have been earlier versions of the pack.

  2. JamesYong

    JamesYong Well-Known Member

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    1:01 PM
    i think there is fishing net on top put a chest for loot.
  3. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    1:01 AM
    Squid do in fact spawn, I've seen them with my own eyes. I suggest you make a farm larger than you think you need and make sure it is chunk loaded.
  4. Lachim_Heigrim

    Lachim_Heigrim Well-Known Member

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    6:01 AM
    Thank you both for responding. Will experiment with both ideas.

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