Magic in need

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by MrDrako, Aug 3, 2017.

  1. MrDrako

    MrDrako Active Member

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    This server has alot of good tech server, but it could be very nice and dearly of adding some main magic servers, for players to explode into a world full of mystery and spell madness..
    Addig more then those standart Thaumcraft, Blood magic and botania towards the playable magic areas..

    I whould gladly enjoy playing that kind of server and it cou
  2. roobarb2

    roobarb2 Bah, life is over rated

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    I'd love to have some more magic modpacks but, there just isn't any... MyM is starting to move into 1.10.2 so if you could help find a half decent modpack, and have it be stable (or as stable as stable does) that would probably help.
  3. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    There are literally no 1.10 magic packs, or at least none are popular.

    Edit: I guess that's because Thaumcraft wasn't updated to 1.10.
  4. roobarb2

    roobarb2 Bah, life is over rated

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    There we go. That's your answer
  5. MrDrako

    MrDrako Active Member

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    Yea i see your point.. :) just soo sad.. :)
  6. golemofstone

    golemofstone Well-Known Member

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    Simply Magic was a good pack, but sadly not 1.10 and with Thaumcraft on indefinite hiatus, that only really leaves Blood Magic and Ars Magica2 as "Standout Crowd pullers" which is what you need on servers if you want them to last any decent ammount of time, sadly most players don't really want to try out new things as much as they like to say, so if they see no BM, Thaum or AM2 they don't want to try :/
  7. MrDrako

    MrDrako Active Member

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  8. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    In my experience, the main reason for the lack of magic-only packs in 1.10+ is the lack of large, new magic mods to make it worthwhile to leave Thaumcraft. Botania is basically the same as it was in 1.7.10, AM2 is more stable but still generally unsuitable for servers without large-scale tweaking which tends to unbalance the mod, and Blood Magic has had a rewrite, but lacks much lategame content as of now so tends to be relegated to a support mod in most packs.

    Of the new major magic mods, we have Astral Sorcery, which is quite unknown as of now, likely due to some of its awkward past quirks, Embers, with similar issues, and Roots, which could be difficult to start on a server due to its reliance on worldgen. All of these are quite small mods compared to AM2, Thaumcraft and Botania, and with Elucent leaving modding for now, it's probable that Roots and Embers won't grow much.

    Where 1.10+ differs from 1.7.10 is the availability of smaller magic mods, with the (comparatively) rapid update cycle of Minecraft in recent times giving less reason to try to update large mods to each version, and instead seeing smaller mods such as Waystones, Totemic and *sneaky plug* Stickies which add only small features which can be quite easily updated between versions.
  9. golemofstone

    golemofstone Well-Known Member

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    Actually, after making a small modpack for private play i found this Simply Magic Pack 2 - Magic - Minecraft Modpacks - Curse so maybe if there is enough interest there could be a server for it?

    Also @The_Icy_One im curious about your mod, "Wood" you be kind enough to give me an eta on when it'll be available on the twitch/curse site ?:D
    Vouch likes this.
  10. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    I'm not certain as to how much potential that pack has for server use, considering that Embers is very reliant on chunk-specific sources, and Ars Magica 2 still has issues with servers running Sponge in some cases, although we are getting better there.

    It's actually already released on Curseforge although only for 1.11.2. I should probably backport it at some point.
  11. MrDrako

    MrDrako Active Member

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    Ive tryed to play Magic pack 2.. but could not play it on any server for some reason.. only 1 server had it and could not connect..

    ive read several stuff about the mod, and was very interested to try it out..
  12. golemofstone

    golemofstone Well-Known Member

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    That's a shame as i also have those in the pack i'm trying to build, guess it'll stay as SP, On the backporting of your mod, that'd be great if you can but understandable if you don't get the time ect. Cheers :D
  13. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    I did the backport. I feel like the antiVazkii right now.

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