No new players can make a smeltery as the grout is not working. To make grout you need to follow a quest and go to an abandoned ruin in order to find the correct materials. This is an issue as our server has no ruins, and we need a specific item to complete the quest in the book. I am not able to proceed with either and have no choice but to stop playing until something is done to work around it. Many thanks, Dawn
Thank you SirWilli, so happy I can make the smeltery now. I have been hanging back as I could not do anything. Just a side note, how do we get past that part of the quest book, or will it still update? Again, thank you! Dawn
The quest itself is a manual submit so you should be able to create the required smeltery parts and move on.
Appreciate your help Auvreaeath. I need to build the smeltery structure next but need the wall first. Terrified to leave the ship in the night hahaha.
Yes not on your client but the server has the recipe. So you need to click on the output slot and it will give you the item.
Is it enough if there is one city which can be looted? How many seared bricks are needed? And what about the high oven?
Think to get the very basic of smelterys built you need 86 bricks to be able to build it beyond the existing quest rewards. From there you can make more bricks with stone and the ingot cast.
SirWilli what about having a world that is dedicated to cities? Like some servers have a mining world that gets reset often, people have a portal area at spawn which they are able to enter and it moves them to their mining world, only instead of a mining world we have a dimension generated with just vast ruins. The only drawback I can think of would be the amount of loot you can get from the cities, you would need to lower it as the city loot table tends to be generous. (Invar ingots, blocks or redstone etc.) That way it can get reset every month (for example) and people can still go there. These cities tend to be mob intense as each building has a few spawners per floor, its not easy to do anything in the ruined city as they tend to end your life rather easily. Dawn
I thought we will have only one city but I found a other way today so will presumably have tons of cities which can be looted.
Just went through, no return portal formed and I can not place any blocks, just had to run around as mobs spawned immediatly and running to me. I just ran and everything was spawning on as I move and in all the buildings from the spawners so could do nothing and had to log out. Any help?
I also have questions on this, do we all have the same city? When we spawn in do the plots next to us use the same portals? When we get there can we group up? Is PvP on in that world? Thanks, Dawn
You spawn in a random place in the City world, you can /rt to randomly teleport somewhere else in that world and do /is home to get home which has a 5 sec timer.