Violet's Modpack Adventures

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by _NorthernViolet_, Aug 14, 2017.


Do you think 1.7.10 is dead?

  1. Yeah, darn old timers!

  2. No! The best can't be replaced!

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  1. _NorthernViolet_

    _NorthernViolet_ The Goth Girl

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    8:57 PM
    I have made a fairly popular modpack series on the Technic Launcher, titled "KittyCraft". It is a medium modpack best run on about 6GB of dedicated RAM, and has about 175 mods in its current version, which is KittyCraft 8, running MC 1.7.10, and I will post a brief mod list here.

    1. AE2 + Extra Cells 2 and Thaumic Energistics
    2. Thaumcraft
    3. Botania
    4. Big Reactors, BuildCraft, IC2 + Gravitation Suite and Nuclear Control
    5. Ender IO, Project Red, Solar Expansion, Thermal Expansion
    6. Forestry, Magic Bees + Extra Bees
    7. Soul Shards Reborn
    8. Advanced Generators, ComputerCraft, OpenComputers, OpenBlocks
    9. RFtools, and more!
    It is a magic / tech mixed pack, and I plan on including a pre-made quest tree for HQM in a future revision.

    Feel free to find me on teamspeak 3 or reply here to learn more about this pack!
  2. CatArcher

    CatArcher Well-Known Member

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    8:57 PM
    unlikely, 1.7.10 modpacks are no longer popular, mym is moving towards new versions
  3. Braun_

    Braun_ Patron Tier 1

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    6:57 PM
    ^ 1.7.10 packs are still popular :p, if they weren't mym wouldn't have em. The pack just from the little description seems like a FTB Monster/ Ultimate reboot. They were good intentions but were super unstable, and reeked of issues. I personally would give it a shot tho with all the 1.7 version's of the mods. Do you have a full list of all the mods?
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2017
    _NorthernViolet_ likes this.
  4. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    9:57 PM
    1.7 packs are still popular, however MYM has shown and even admited that there has been a bias towards adding 1.10 packs. So while it is not impossible for this pack to be implemented, it would likely have to have exceptionally above average ratings to be considered.
  5. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    2:57 AM
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2017
  6. golemofstone

    golemofstone Well-Known Member

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    1:57 AM
    Any intention of uploading it to Curse/Twitch launcher, kinda grtis my S#i7 to have to install different launchers for packs xD
  7. _NorthernViolet_

    _NorthernViolet_ The Goth Girl

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    8:57 PM
    I could do that if there's interest in it.
  8. golemofstone

    golemofstone Well-Known Member

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    1:57 AM
    Well i for one am interested in the pack although as coolgi3000 already mentioned it'd be hard to get it on the network i think :/
    Thaumcraft is the main reason i still play 1.7.10 if i'm honest with myself, but right now i am in a Meh... MC mood, probably be a few days before i get back in to wanting to play for any length of time.
  9. _NorthernViolet_

    _NorthernViolet_ The Goth Girl

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    8:57 PM
    Alrighty I'll post it on twitch shortly, and i'll post the pack code here when its up.
  10. _NorthernViolet_

    _NorthernViolet_ The Goth Girl

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    8:57 PM
    UPDATE: I know there was a bit of interest in my 1.7.10 pack, so I am honored to present to you: KittyCraft 8 for MC1.7.10

    To get KittyCraft 8 (this is a highly temporary distribution method while I code a custom installer Jar file): - Google Drive

    That link will take you to my Google Drive account and it will allow you to download a copy of MultiMC for Windows that has KittyCraft 8 pre-setup inside of it.

    All you need to do is log in to your Minecraft account after unzipping it and running the MutliMC.exe application, and then double click on the 1.7.10 instance.

    I also have set up a multiplayer //WHITELISTED// server for those interested in testing KittyCraft 8 with me. I am especially looking for MyM Staff to come and poke around in it, as my goal is to get it hosted as an official MyM modpack.
  11. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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  12. Alinston

    Alinston Well-Known Member

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    11:27 PM
    As i've tried the pack myself, I believe it to be vastly superior to Infinity evolved, as it has things that infinity does not. Of course, OP things will be disabled just like in Infinity but things like Power Convertors and Traincraft makes it even better. I believe this is a worthy pack to be put up on the MYM Community.
  13. Braun_

    Braun_ Patron Tier 1

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    6:57 PM
    I also downloaded the pack and enjoyed it so far, I really like the addition of trains, but also the mod that adds the multi drills. I hope some of the mym staff do take a look :D
  14. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    9:57 PM

    How many times must I kill this rumor before is stops spreading? :banghead: I actually offered up a great 1.7.10 pack as a possibility for our latest pack,but it lost in favor of Age of Engineering. Just because the last few packs were 1.10 doesn't mean we hate 1.7, most of us still do play them, we go towards the will of the people when it comes to hosting new packs. I'm sure the next poll for a pack to fill in the gaps will also have a 1,7.10 option on there as well since they are stable and a whole lot easier to work with.

    The only packs you are unlikely to see are something of the 1.64 flavor since I'm pretty sure we've all played the best ones, and we still host those that are popular.
    _NorthernViolet_ likes this.
  15. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    2:57 AM
    Broklyn Datroll posted that in the Trollcraft thread:
  16. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    9:57 PM
    I'm pretty sure I jumped on that hand grenade when he posted that too. Ignore the first part focus on the second part, if it is popular with the players we'll host it. What is unlikely right now, and this could change in a month or two.. is that you'll see something other than a 1.10 or 1.7.10 because while 1.11 is roughly the same as 1.10 under the hood.. 1.12 is a different animal all together.

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