Decided Against Change 12 ender eyes for end portal to an end cake in skyblock packs

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Rohen, Aug 16, 2017.

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  1. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    4:15 AM
    Makes more sense IMO.
  2. Timkoo

    Timkoo Well-Known Member

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    in forever stranded its end cake
  3. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Its not end cake in PO2 tho.
  4. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    We use the portal throughout the packs though so changing from pack to back though more thematically correct wouldn't work.
  5. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    You can change stuff for specific server even if it's copypasted.
  6. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    We could, but the desire for uniformity out weights the theme for me. Though I'm not the buck stops here guy.
  7. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    Is there a specific reason for the change other then just it would make more sense?
  8. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Skyblock packs are designed with the end cake as an end portal, therefore changing pearls to end cake would stop stuff like useless end cake quests (I guess AG2 had a quest for an end cake), game skips (if there is a custom recipe for the end cake) and possibly some other problems that can caused by an unnecessary difference between the original version of the pack and the version containing plugins used on the server.
  9. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    9:15 PM
    I am going to chime here as an Admin that deals with a lot of server setup. It is an outright pain to manage multiple versions of a plugin on 30+ servers. If a plugin developer decides to update the plugin for a bug fix, let's say, then we will have to make sure he updates it on multiple versions then an Admin picks out which one goes on which server. Now expand this to more than just 1 plugin. It become quite the load. Saying this, this is a little easier to manage on 1.7 & 1.6 servers as this is pretty configurable because of how we have it setup on those servers for this specific change. 1.10 is a different creature. So yes it is possible to configure it per server but it is not fun. ;)
    I will tag @SirWill since he is the one that created the plugin if he has anything he wants to add. But to support @wyndman's posts, we like to keep it more uniform/universal.
  10. snakeworm11

    snakeworm11 Guest

    I'm also going to chime in here as someone who has played skyblock packs a lot. The end cake is, in fact, still usable last I checked, and needs less ender eyes than a full portal's requirement for the first 3 teleports (Considering the end cake taking 8 pearls and needing to feed it 1 eye of ender per travel to the end). (If it doesn't work for you, have you tried right clicking it with eyes of ender?) However, an ability to go to the end other than the End Cake (Using the Multiplex) is still helpful, as it makes it so you don't need to spend an eye per teleport to the end, and becomes a lot more affordable after you have been to the end, even if you only went once, considering how many endermen are around. To sum it up, the end cake is still useful, as it is cheaper for the first few teleportations, but the portal makes it easier to go to the end multiple times. In this scenario, a change to the portal's cost is not entirely necessary. (which is good, because, as Aidoneus says, it would probably be tedious to change this plugin per pack.) But that's just how I see the situation.

    Tl;Dr: The portal's cost is fine as it is, and the End Cake is also still quite useful at the start, so no need to change the portal's cost seems necessary. (At least in my point of view, as someone who has played multiple skyblock packs.)
  11. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    11:15 PM
    Going to go with it just isn't feasible and call it a day.
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