I tried to use additional mods with this pack on server, but was not allowed. Message say: ask on forums. 1. LLOverlayReloaded-1.0.7-mc1.7.10.jar Overview - Light Level Overlay Reloaded - Mods - Projects - Minecraft CurseForge To show Light levels 2. NoMoreRecipeConflict-0.3(1.7.10).jar Overview - stimmedcow : NoMoreRecipeConflict - Mods - Projects - Minecraft CurseForge Using this mod with large modpacks, just in case, there recipe conflicts. Is it possible to enable at least LLOverlayReloaded-1.0.7-mc1.7.10.jar?
Hello @Tinginys , i don't really understand what you are meaning. Do you want to add custom mods to the Mine Your Mind servers, or do you want to add them to your own personal server? If you are meaning adding mods to Mine Your Mind: It is not possible to add your own mods to the multiplayer servers of Mine Your Mind. The only mods you are able to play on the servers are the mods that are already installed, (mostly complete modpacks from the Technic Launcher). Additional mods are not added because it will be really difficult for players to add additional mods, because they need to download more files. Hopefully you understand, and hopefully this is the answer to your question. If this is not the answer, be free to give a better explanation. Kind regards, Lars.
You shouldn't need to on 1.7.10 because of one of NEI's features. Just press F7 and it should show the light overlay on blocks. The recipe conflict mod isn't one that should be needed in these packs since the mod authors took a lot of time to make them and made sure that recipe conflicts were rare to find if at all, if there are any, feel free to report the ones that you find.
I know about NEI F7, but LLOverlayReloaded show light levels with numbers, it is more informatyve. [doublepost=1503018949][/doublepost] Those MODS are client side only, it is not needed to add them to server and probably can't. I want to use them on MYM Regrowth server, not singleplayer or my own server, but server don't allow to connect with them loaded. Probably, because of protection against cheaters or hackers, but those mods not cheating or unfair play mods. Probably, NoMoreRecipeConflicts not needed on this modpack, but LLOverlaysReloaded nice mod to use as better alternative to NEI F7.
Hello @chaosblad3 , scince Mine Your Mind is running on official modpacks, mostly from the Technic Launcher, it will be not able for the server developers to add additional mods, or they need to switch off from the Technic Pack, and download (70+) mods on their own. (so i think this is not going to happen). Regards.
Hey @Rohen , i thought that he was talking about adding additional mods on servers like Tekkit Legends, sorry if i mis understood the topic. Have a nice day, Lars.
He isn't just wanting it for the 1 block at a time he is looking at, this is what the mod he is requesting actually looks like:
This is about whitelisting client side mods, not about adding mods to the pack, as chaosblad3 pointed out correctly. I am going to tag our @Administrator team, so that they can look into those mods.
The light level mod should be harmless to whitelist. As for the recipe conflict mod, I think it could be exploited, and really doesn't need to be there since the mod makers have redone and checked most crafting recipes.
Whitelisted both although I don't think the recipe mod will work without the mod being on the server.