I have tried this ritual three times, and each time the ritual has not worked, I have sited all potential problems. None of them seem to be the cause of this issue. At the last Regent required the ritual stops. I was told by another player that I need help from an operator to perform this ritual. So I'm looking for help.
The Ritual can not be performed in the Overworld, but it works perfectly fine in the Farm World. I have personally performed it, and I have 2 pieces of advice. Make sure to set it up in the center of a large, flat-ish area because the city can be massive! Secondly, claim a good sized area around the ritual itself. Once complete the Mater Ritual Stone becomes the Demon Gateway and if it's broken the invasion ends. One last note, I found it grew very slowly until I chunkloaded the area for a while. Hope this helps! Good Gaming and Have a Great Day!
Hi epic_ell, Since we haven't heard from you in awhile and since Brok provided advice and confirmation it works, I will go ahead and close this thread. Good luck with progressing! -Tipsied