Hey, i'm Lars!

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by BloxyRoblox, Aug 18, 2017.

  1. BloxyRoblox

    BloxyRoblox Tekkit Legends Supporter

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    Local Time:
    10:21 AM
    Hey there! i'm Lars, and i'm new!

    I'm a former minecraft server moderator and administrator, and i'm new to this community, and I really like it. In this post i'm going to tell some information about myself.

    So as i said i'm Lars, i'm 16 years old, and i'm from the Netherlands! I've been playing Minecraft for 6/7 years now, and i'm still not hating the game. well... i've got some moments when i've stopped playing Minecraft for a month or two, but besides that. :p

    I life in a small town in the Netherlands, with my mom and dad, and my dog Noortje. I've also got a brother, but he is living on his own with his girlfriend.

    So as i also said, i'm a former Minecraft Moderator & Administrator. i've been Moderator on servers with over 4000+ players online, so i'm able to handle many players *haha*. My experience with minecraft servers is moderating, and administrating/hosting them. I've hosted my own servers, but i more like helping others as a moderator.

    One of my other hobbie's besides gaming is creating websites, for myself, and for others. Also i'm gaining some money from making them! really cool :).

    The server that i mostly play on on the Mine Your Mind Network is Tekkit Legends, i really love that modpack! I really like it to create machine's, and build huge mansions. Also i really like it to talk with other players on the server, and help them when they need some help.

    I hope you all like me being a part of the great MYM Community, and maybe we see eachother on the server!

    See you soon!

    Lars. (AKA BloxyRoblox (temp name :p:p))
  2. Timkoo

    Timkoo Well-Known Member

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    10:21 AM
    Nice. Are you making websites with Wordpress or from start?
    BloxyRoblox likes this.
  3. WikidSick

    WikidSick Well-Known Member

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    11:21 AM
    Why do you give soo much info of yourself to some strangers about your dog's name, your brother and he lives with, who you live with, what size of a town you live in, where you live.
  4. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    10:21 AM
    So ppl can have all the answers for security questions to hack his accounts?
  5. NotChiken

    NotChiken Well-Known Member

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    10:21 AM
    Do you think netherland has only one small town ? Because I still dont think that you can even find someone with that much information
  6. WikidSick

    WikidSick Well-Known Member

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    11:21 AM
    No, I didnt imply that
  7. BloxyRoblox

    BloxyRoblox Tekkit Legends Supporter

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    10:21 AM
    Hello @timleg001 ,

    i create websites from the bottom. But at my forum project i'm using XenForo, scince that software is really nice to get a base from.
    Because i wanna introduce myself to the community. I'm not scared for people that want to try to find me or something, or what @Rohen said, "hack my account with my security question answers", since i don't have written down any of my security answers.
  8. Timkoo

    Timkoo Well-Known Member

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    10:21 AM
    Still better than if he would say this:
    Hey bro my address is 135 Lue Lombard Street, Paris, France
    my number is +90 00 253 2534
    my mail is [email protected]-redirect2719.ws
    my internet bank name is FAK8478945E
    and password is uDpXq8AlV
    my paypal email is [email protected]
    my paypal address is wooolit89ee.com.pl
    BloxyRoblox likes this.

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