No-refunds Policy (Tekkit Legends)

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by BloxyRoblox, Aug 21, 2017.

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  1. BloxyRoblox

    BloxyRoblox Tekkit Legends Supporter

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    10:53 AM

    Yesterday someone stole 30+ solar panels at my house, so I created a ticket for it, since griefing/raiding is not allowed.

    But here it's strange: solar panels are under the no return policy! Does this mean that you are free to grief solar panels?

    Something weird: In the response I received from the moderator is:
    To clarify: We DO NOT refund items, especially for reasons like these:
    • Deaths
    • Accidental key presses: "Whoops, pressed 'Q' over lava / void '
    • PvP kills
    • ClearLag (It gives sufficient warnings)
    • Mod errors (BetterStorage, ME stuffing, etc)
    • Grief / Thief (Protect your stuff!)

    But when you type in-game /rules, it says: You are not allowed to grief, or steal, even if the area is not claimed.

    So I think it's upsetting that my solar panels are not being returned, what is your opinion about this?

    For the sake of clarity, this is not a hate to any staff members, or the board of Mine Your Mind, I just do not think that solar panels can fall under a no-return policy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2017
    il0v3tweakS likes this.
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    First don't use that sort of language. On to the policy which has been ranted and raved about endlessly.

    Correct the rules are clear, do not grief or steal. However, this does not stop players from ignoring the rules and doing it anyway, then they are given a vacation to reflect on their behavior. We cannot possibly stop every crime from happening, much like the real world people ignore societal rules and pilfer goods too.

    We have an ability to claim your area, in 99% of the cases this will protect your land and items from ne'er do well that would rather disrupt your playing. This is why my house has locks on the doors, because even though no one should break in and walk off with my stuff, they might!

    As for the much beloved no return policy.. we don't return items. For several reasons: if we spawned in new items for every grief I'd have even less time to do things that matter to the network then I do now. Now assuming we all can suddenly create items, and assume every staff member wants that responsibility, now players get more lapse with their claiming.. meh why claim I'll get it back. This feeds back into the not being able to answer tickets in a timely fashion since they now need to spawn in hundreds of blocks. Then there are the dishonest players, I know I hate to think it is true, but it happens! There could be players saying.. I lost x item can you replace it, meanwhile they stuffed it somewhere.

    You mention solar panels should be the exception the the policy, where do we draw the line on items then, today a solar panel tomorrow a capacitor, by Friday I'm making sticks.

    I know it is a hard pill to swallow, there's probably no one on the network who hasn't experienced a grief (been griefed twice) and when it happens everyone is angry, but the policy was developed for a reason and there is no compelling reason to change it yet.
    GreyWolf11 and BetaPetey like this.
  3. BloxyRoblox

    BloxyRoblox Tekkit Legends Supporter

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    10:53 AM
    Look this is a good answer, thank you @wyndman ,
    I'm sorry for my language, just pissed of, but im happy that you gave me a great answer.

    Have a nice day.
  4. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    I followed up on your grief too, seems the little jerk that stole your stuff tossed in a transmutation table which why they were unrecoverable. Sorry for your loss.
    GreyWolf11 likes this.
  5. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    just fyi: we try to return stolen items by searching them at the thiefs inventory/base. if we find them we will return them. if we cant find them there is sadly nothing we can do
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