Done Immersive Windmills doesnt work

Discussion in 'Age of Engineering' started by Losspost, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. Losspost

    Losspost Well-Known Member

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    I made 2 Immersive windmills and everything worked fine till it suddenly doesnt work. Now someone has to stay at the top where the windmills are(y=200). I am standing directly under them they doesnt producer any power. If i am at the top they do. Even a chunkloader at the top doesnt work, just a player. Everything is set up proplery due the fact that it worked before

    Anyone can help me?

    Greetings Losspost
  2. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    A similar issue happens with the IC2 Wind Turbines as well (y=160)... I found that when ever I log back on, I need to not only ensure the chunk is loaded with a MyM Chunkloader, but I need to fly up to them at least once during that session to ensure they begin working... They seem to work fine until I log off and come back on again... I've just gotten used to it... Not sure if this is an issue with the Pack, the Mod's themselves, or the MyM Chunkloader...

    One thing to keep in mind, that the ceiling elevation has no wind or very little wind, each wind item has their ideal elevations, for IC2 it's around 160, unsure about Immersive Engineering... Our IE windmill with advanced blades works fine, but it's closer to ground level, and doesn't have this issue... So i'm not sure if it's the MyM Chunkloader not loading the chunks properly at higher elevations, or if the Mod's themselves are having the issue...

  3. m0rpuus

    m0rpuus Well-Known Member

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    this problem may me a general problem, I had the same problem when playing on ftb beyond. A mod looked into the case and couldn't find the problem.

  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    This has to do with the chunkloading limit thing that one of the MyM devs made, blocks that are too far from you tick slower, even in the same chunk, I blame the dev that made that decision more than anything else
  5. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    Well, on pre-1.10.2 servers, using the MyM Chunkloaders didn't have this same issue. If the Chunk was loaded, it was loaded from bedrock to ceiling, not a specific range up and down. So, if something was changes for 1.10.2 due to some issue we're not privy too, perhaps it is just something we just have to live with... But I'ld rather wait for a Mod or Dev to jump in with their 2 cents to see what the official word may be... For now, at least for me, it's not a huge deal, just an annoyance...

  6. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    @fireboyev You're getting blamed. I'd speculate, but this talented individual receiving the blame is also the one who ported the plugin so he could probably tell you versus my stumbling and guessing.
  7. fireboyev

    fireboyev Well-Known Member

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    Since everything else loads just fine, it is an issue with the mod. Chunk loading in forge loads from bedrock to build height. The mod author might have added something that only allows loading from a player and not artificial forced loading.


    Chunkloaders were fixed recently, do the windmills work now?
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2017
    wyndman likes this.
  8. Losspost

    Losspost Well-Known Member

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    i cant say :/ i doesnt user windmills any more
  9. Tipsied

    Tipsied Well-Known Member

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  10. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    This is the same issue we had with the lava tank. The lava tank was at bedrock level and didn't get loaded when standing at the spawn. When getting closer by digging down it loads it at some point.

    I assume sponge adds this behavior but I couldn't find any setting to change this.
  11. atesz8916

    atesz8916 Well-Known Member

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    Nope, the IC2 windmills still not work if you reach 63 blocks away in any direction. Those just simply disappear and reappear if you get back closer. If it not rendered they will not work, i can't put my windmills the most effective place, cause that more than 100blocks away from me.
  12. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    12:12 AM
    This should work now with a chunk loader in that chunk.

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