Done Proof of items

Discussion in 'Galactic Science' started by Zazinombies49, Aug 26, 2017.

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  1. Zazinombies49

    Zazinombies49 Well-Known Member

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    Greetings. I would like something to be proven to some people but I have no means of doing so. I cannot record on my laptop, and I cannot take screenshots as to they save to a different destination and I cannot retrieve them. I would appreciate it if all chat between Johncomp201, and myself would be retrieved for proof of item creation. I was removed from John's tardis in a hostile manner, and every item I had made was stolen by SkylerNight and Xehala. I would like these items back as soon as possible and I was forced to restart my entire game because of this major setback. And because of this forced reset, I do not think I could vote for any mym servers with a clean concince with people like this playing on the servers. Thank you.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2017
  2. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    As I said in private chat, I would happily give any items back that were rightfully yours. As for the items, it weren't just yours. It was all of the items for fear of you stealing them. In the video evidence I recorded and can later post, you were running around grabbing items that were not yours. Also, we had permission of the owner of the tardis you were in to take said items. We did not do it without permission. In the items you said are yours, you built with resources you took, not with items you made. You also said yiu brought your own sieves and turbines. John and xehala both said you didn't bring any sieves and you only brought a few parts of one small turbine. Because of you taking a huge amount of resources, John and xehala both agreed that you took too much, amd wanted you to leave. When asked to leave, you didn't, instead you ran around collecting things screaming 'this is mine'. This is why me and the others started removing items. If any of it is rightfully yours, and not you just screaming 'its mine, they're lying' me, and the others, xehala and john, will happipy give any items back without any delay or complications. However, it is difficult for us to know, because of you lying about what you brought, and what you made, and/or john and xehala lying about what you made/brought. In my opinion, sieves and turbines are a silly thing to fight over. Which is why i tried giving you 64x7 iron blocks, to your decline of.
    [doublepost=1503741509,1503740375][/doublepost]I would also like to give a little bit of a background because I'm sure the staff have no idea whats going on- xehala, john, and zaxi used to be part a of a team working together inside a tardis that john owned. Lately, john hasn't been playing much, and xehala has been working on his own tardis. When i was talking to zazi yesterday, he was telling me about the reactors je was building, saying it took 500k rf/t to keep going, that his was stable and self-efficient, etc. When i later found out that he didnt tell me the truth about the reactors, it became a weird dramatic circle of 'why you always hating me skyler' when all i asked was for him to not lie to me, politely. However, during this argument, I mentioned that syphin777 informed me that a huge amount of the resources he used, was belonging to john and xehala. When i said that, he said that xehala had quit the team and john no longer played. When he said that, i felt like he was implying that he owned it. So i told xehala and john my concerns, and after discussing this for a few hours, we confronted zazi, asking him to leave the tardis, implying we wanted him out of the team. In the middle of this, i feel like i was unofficially part of the team, as i helped in gathering of the items to a secure location and confronting zazi. When we confronted zazi, he said a ramble of different things, but, and like i said, i recorded a video as evidence, becauss i knew of how quickly he is to start swearing angrily so i had no idea how he'd react to this. It was as we feared so we quickly began removing items before he could get them, and i followed zazi shooting him with a harmless energy bazooka, knocking him around so he couldnt keep stealing items. As this was happening however, he was also stealing items from barrels and mining equipment. However after maybe of 5 mins of him just saying 'this is mine' he logged off and i ended the recording and finished helping john and xehala moving items to storage. We did not purppsefully take his items, but in the heat of the moment we grabbed everything for fear of him stealing it. Due to this, i would gladly help in the return of the items, but i would like to know im giving him his actual items, not what he's lying to get. Like i said in my previous post, zazi claimed to bring several sieves and complete turbines. I would also like to mention, if he was able to make tirbines and a sieve, kicking him out wouldnt be a reset, just a setback. If he brought all his stuff, he would say he brought more than just sieves and a turbibe. Also, if he didn't its not a complete reset, just a setback. Like i said, xehala and john claim he didnt bring a sieve and only a part of a turbine. Everything else he claims to own, xehala and john claim he made only after he joines, and with xehala amd john's resources.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2017
  3. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Ok, I managed to read that massive text wall and here are my comments.

    1. This started of as a group of players playing together. Staff will not interfere in what we call "Player vs Player"-issues, so you will have to handle that on your own.
    2. There is no protection in the Tardis, if you allow someone to be in your Tardis (and from what I get from this text wall is that this is the case here), then they can pretty much do anything in there.
    2. The Tardis mod has a lot of bugs and is a bit unstable, so we DO NOT RECOMMEND to build your base in it, especially a large main one. Since we have Galactic Science on our network, we had to reset a couple of Tardis dimensions due to several problems. In this cases the Tardis is gone. No Refunds. Just that you are aware of that.
  4. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    Thank you Sandstroem. There is no problem with the lack of protection. We don't want any items he has taken to be returned, nor do we think he stole anything valuable. He is the only one being upset, and while I tried to calm him down myself, and tried to give him compensation for what we can't prove, he didn't accept it. Does this mean I don't have to post the 15 minute long video of chasing him around while he rummages through things? Also, what do you mean by the tardis being gone? There were no bugs or bad things happening, only him going through things. This is just him trying to prove his stuff was his. It's not a grief report, or any kind of report. Nor did anyone ask for a refund.
  5. Zazinombies49

    Zazinombies49 Well-Known Member

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    Skyler. I did not mean to lie about how much power the fusion reactor sucks in to run itself and that was an error on my part. I did not do the math of how much energy it took. I do not think things through all the way to the end on certain things and this is one of them. I apologize for making a mess yesterday and acting a fool. You were right to have me leave and you are right about the items not being mine because they were in Johns tardis he (by definition) owns everything. This issue is of my own making, and I apologize for any inconvenience to the staff.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2017
  6. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    Will you please accept compensation for any items lost?
  7. Xehala23

    Xehala23 Well-Known Member

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    as we said , you won't get anything back :I sry bud... John's owns everything
  8. Zazinombies49

    Zazinombies49 Well-Known Member

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    Sky contact me on discord Zazinombies49#2555
  9. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Just going to lock this thread, no need to continue on the public forums.
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