Stop disabling the Aroma Mining dim just for the sake of it

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by chaosblad3, Aug 28, 2017.


Would you use the Aroma dim if it was enabled?

  1. Yes, I would like to use Aroma dim for early-game mining until I could make a quarry etc

  2. Yes, I would rather use Aroma dim than the farmworld (both early-game and for quarries)

  3. No, I don't see a need for both Aroma and farmworld

  4. Do potatos grow in the Aroma dim? cause that's all I care about!

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    9:21 AM
    I originally posted this in response to a support thread, but I decided to actually post it here as a suggestion thread too:
    Can I just ask, is there any actual reason that the Aroma dimension HAS to be disabled? Is there any specific reason not to have BOTH the mining dim AND an overworld type farmworld for quarries etc?

    Like seriously, on AoE I see multiple people PER DAY mentioning about not being able to craft the mining multitool, how to get to mining world etc, it would save so much confusion on the new players part and so much effort on staff/established players part having to explain it all the time, to just keep the dimension enabled and then let people choose whether to go to aroma dim or farmworld depending on their personal preference or what specific resources they need.

    Also while it is true that there are sometimes certain resources that don't generate in aroma dim that do generate in the farmworld, there are also certain advantages to the mining dim that the farmworld doesn't have such as an increased global light level (the same as how it is in the nether where you can see stuff even if there isn't an actual light source to illuminate it), and hostile mobs disabled allowing for easier early game mining, so there is an argument to be made that the farmworld is not a truly valid replacement for the aroma dim in the first place.

    Last edited: Aug 28, 2017
    marcelozebek likes this.
  2. WikidSick

    WikidSick Well-Known Member

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    11:21 AM
    I agree
  3. Timmypwn

    Timmypwn Well-Known Member

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    10:21 AM
    its important to not forget extra server resources(is it?) i personally would really like the aroma for bee breeding.
  4. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    9:21 AM
    The extra dimension would only take up additional server resources if it was actively being used just as with any dimension if no player is actually there or otherwise chunkloading it then the only resources it would be using is a little addition disk space, and if it is actively being used then any additional (likely small amount of) CPU resources used, assuming they aren't excessive for some reason (*glares at twilight forest*) would be reasonably justified.
  5. kkaionsg

    kkaionsg Well-Known Member

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    7:51 PM
    Empty dimensions still contribute time to the server tick processing.

    Why is the farmworld that MyM provides not enough?
  6. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    9:21 AM
    Did you even read my first post? I gave two examples of what the aroma dim has that the farmworld does not in the 3rd main paragraph...

    A better question is, why is the existence of a farmworld a good enough reason to disable the aroma dim in the first place? Especially if the aroma mod was included in the pack because the pack author intended players to use it (the guide for Age of Engineering specifically mentions making the mining multitool and going to the mining dimension early on).

    A good example of a proper justification would be a dimension like twilight forest that consistently and provably destroyed server tps with just 1 or 2 players exploring it, but short of any evidence that the aroma dim would be in any way detrimental to the servers that would have it then there is literally no reason NOT to have it.
  7. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    10:21 AM
    No they don't. The only dimension that can passively generate lag due to spawn chunks is the Overworld. Everything else should have spawn chunks disabled.
  8. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    5:21 AM
    I already went through the explanation in your first post as to why the mining dimension is disabled, but I'll comment here too in short bullet points for the sake of brevity.

    • Aroma World does take up server resources
    • Aroma World does not generate all resources
    • The DIM is always loaded so it is a fallacy that it is not loaded passively, every DIM that is used publicly (that is non space stations,TARDIS there may be ones I've forgotten) are partially loaded all the time.
    • Farmworld is available as soon as you /acceptrules. There are portals at spawn, this theoretically cuts down on diggy diggy hole in the overworld to make the tool, which changes depending on the pack
    • When Aroma World was enabled in Project Ozone it caused all sorts of crashes and was disabled
    • When Aroma World was enabled players would complain that certain resources were not generating in the DIM which is why we opted for a Farmworld setup
    • Farmworld in Aroma packs allows consistency among the servers of the network, it is reset at the beginning of every month and you get a wider variety of "stuff" including mob spawners, dungeons, temples, and villages that everyone knows and loves.
    Now wyndman you're saying, the Aroma world has no mobs and it has all sunshine all the time, it's like Florida without all the bad parts! Well this is true the farmworld does have time, and mobs, but these can be advantageous too! Maybe you need things from mobs? Some rituals you'd rather preform away from your base and the farmworld is the place to do it!

    So we don't disable it for no reason, there is a reason for everything we do, you might not like, or understand why, but there's a reason.
    Fireforce and Tipsied like this.
  9. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    10:21 AM
    Spawn chunks only appear in the Overworld. How are the other dims passively loaded?
  10. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    The extra DIMs do have a spawn area. You might not ever notice it, but even the boring ones like the nether do, it isn't a vanilla mechanic though if that's what you mean in the spawn chunk sense.
  11. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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  12. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    As a rule we don't discuss the magic behind the curtain, consider it a level of security through obscurity. Cauldrons are meant for witchery, or placing water in the nether.
  13. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Understandable, have a great day.
  14. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    Please add option "Yes". I would use both.
  15. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    I also would like to see it, AoE and those bees... Imagine a world where it was always daytime.
    Kazeodori likes this.
  16. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    I am still not to convinced to do this currently for AoE. I haven't had any issues with using the Farmworld that I setup for you guys since you complained about the Aroma Mining Dimension not suitable for all resources. The main reason it is even in most packs is to give players options so they don't tear up the overworld. We can customize this with a completely different and better world suitable for this. All reasons I see is because it is a inconvenience to bread bees or to not have a world where mobs can spawn that hurt you. We implemented the Farmworld because there are legitimate issues with resource gathering. We have only one world and not both because of reasons Wyndman, SirWill (in a different post), and I have explained.
    Sounding like the Jerk Admin,
  17. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    The Farmworld setup that MyM uses is perfect the way it is, imo... It allows for you to do things there that would cause either issues in the overworld or that would not normally be allowed in the overworld due to issues it would cause... The fact that it is basically a renewable resource gathering site, both passive and active resources, it helps keep folks from depleting the overworld of it's resources and making it look horrible in the process...

    Yes, the Aroma DIM has perpetual day time, but there would be no point in using it for bees anyways, as MyM has always had it set where all Non-Overworld dimensions are on a rotating reset... So building or claiming land in any other dimension beyond the Overworld is pointless... The resets allow for the renewal of resources as well as cleaning up resource files...

    As to the no baddies, what is the fun in that? Might as well just play in creative mode and not even play on networked servers... Survival Servers should never have a no-baddie dimension, as the whole point of playing on a Survival Server is the challenge of playing in a some what dangerous and/or unpredictable environment...

    One of the strongest reasons I enjoy the MyM network of servers, is the fact they have a renewable Farmworld in most packs they support, that is basically a carbon copy of the Overworld, so as to ensure resources of all kinds are easily available....

    If bees and no-baddies are the only 2 valid reasons to have it, I vote no... This pack was intended to be super-difficult... Doing Bees the old fashioned way is another reason for the difficulty of this pack... No easy street... No flying through it quickly... It's purpose was to last a while, to cut down the rush that sometimes plagues other packs with some players... There are other things I found annoyingly tedious about this pack, but the lack of the Aroma DIM is not one of them...

  18. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    10:21 AM
    Maybe add "Aroma mining world has been disabled in favour of a custom farmworld accessible via the multiplex portal system" at the end of /rules?
    Datsaltysnek likes this.
  19. il0v3tweakS

    il0v3tweakS Miner.

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    11:21 AM
    I'd pick Armoa dimension for mining anytime. The farm world is nice but it would be nice if it was flat and was always day.

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