Just wanted to say that i love ag+ and had many hours of enjoyment, and certainly hope that the AG+ server stays forever ^_^ , although since ag3 has been put on hold or more likely abandoned at this point (since jaded was fired from curse and has i believe moved on) I would personally like more of a fix , and so i thought to myself why there wasn't a AG2+ server yet. now i have been absent from mym community for the past few months as i played the modpack GTNH. anyway basically I think it would be awesome if the MYM team (or whoever was behind ag+) to make an AG2+ would be really awesome. also a more minor suggestion for AG2 to make all armors and tools (made of metal) smelt-able in the smeltry (like silver).
Well besides from the extra work for that, a main problem I see is, that AS2 as it is, is already very unfinished and mods are super outdated. I think that "on hold" is also a very optimistic term, I don't think that Ms. "highly overrated" JadedCat will update or make any pack in the near future, but that is just my opinion.
She wasn't fired from curse, she was laid off with a number of developers. Now I leave you to speculate why curse would hire a bunch of mod pack devs and then lay them off a few months later. Agrarian Skies 3 is on permanent vacation, Jaded now works for Microsoft. While she is still listed as a developer on several mods, I'm going to say we won't see any mod packs from her in the near or distant future as her desires seem to have turned elsewhere with her development responses seem to have gone dark sometime last year. As for an AG2+ It is unlikely to become a "thing", I'll paraphrase Slind, AG+ never really hit the popularity we were hoping for and became to difficult to maintain along side all the packs we host.
I wouldn't mind giving it a shot. But would need enough support from the community to give enough incentive for me to do it.
I love Ag+ would love to see a AG2+. But as it is though people are moving on past 1.7.10 slowly but surely. Me frankly I cant stand 1.10+. Servers are way to laggy being modded. Mod packs just dont come together nicely anymore. Hell im currently to a run through of the good ol 1.2.5 mod packs and going upwards XD
AG+ was the first modpack I played to completion on MyM, and it still holds a fond place in my memories. SO.... I am curious. What mods would YOU (the MYM Community) like to see added, IF an Agrarian Skies 2+ modpack were to be worked on?
well part of the reason i want an AG2+ is so that the out of date mods become updated, and so that we get a finished pack. JadedCat wants to make more but because of her getting fired from curse and other issues, she hasn't had the time, and it is unlikely she will because of her job at Mixer. you might think she is highly overrated but imo AG is one of the best packs i have played. not saying its better than skyfactory or other pack, its just really good again imo. AG2 will probably never be finished as i believe curse suspended her account when they fired her. so if she does bring out another ag pack it will either be named 3 or it will be a full rebirth. (she was working on ag3 when she got fired). [doublepost=1504096363][/doublepost] fired, laid off same thing laid off just means fired, but not because we don't like them. [doublepost=1504096999,1504096262][/doublepost] I'd like to see similar mods that were added to ag+, galaxycraft, ic2, chisel, ars magica. not avaritta though, i prefer the aspect from ag+ where you find which armour best works for you. maybe draconic evolution. compressed ex nihilo (don't remember the proper name). basically to me main things that an ag2+ could bring is balance and more completetion in unfinished areas of the pack (if there are any), and lots more magic and variety. although i wouldn't add magical crops as ag2 already has something similar and less magical which would be made redundant. but yeah similar mods to ag+ i think. i personally think that such a pack could be really popular especially since jaded hasn't done anything in the past 2 years, and from convos i have had people want more ag. ag+ would have done better if ag2 hadn't come out. however you won't have that issue with ag2+ since there is no ag3 and won't be for some time if there will ever be one. so it won't have any major competition on the servers cause the hype of project ozone 2 has died down since people have played and completed it, and sky factory has moved on to 1.10, and so you have people who want a new modpack for 1.7.10 that is a skyblock, and imo ag2+ would fill that fine. but these are just my observations and opinions.
overused isn't always a bad thing, i was just thinking of mods that would suit ag2 and since its an rf based mod thought why not.
The thing with AS+ (not sure who introduced AG here in the first place ) is that it was just on our launcher. Makes sense, since it is not our own pack. But even our own pack Thaumic Skies had the same issue, so it never gained popularity. Even though it was a pretty good pack and mostly bugfree. Hypo on the other hand had a much wider recognition, but only failed due to other reasons I dont want to get into here. I think if we put effort into a pack, then it should be something which can be published on Twitch as well, so that it gets more range outside of MyM and can bring new people to MyM.
Since when did it die? There are not many alternatives out there. I noticed some weird bugs with the launcher the last week though.
I have always known the shortened form of agrarian skies to be AG, yes its not the acronym, but pretty sure thats the official short term for them. [doublepost=1504101249][/doublepost] i still use twitch as my main, yeah i prefer the old curse layout, but i will adjust and move on. just a lot easier for use imo. not as annoying to search through modpacks. in my mind it will always be curse.
Yeah the latest update, that brought the bugs. Maybe they will fix it. I only use Technic for their own packs, in particular Blightfall. And MultiMC is just a launcher without any own packs, please correct me if I am wrong there.