I was enjoying Hypo for a while, and the only qualm I really had with it was the finite blood resource... If it had become super popular I could see the overworld map looking all kinds of messed up with oceans of blood looking more like tidepools of missing source blocks and so forth... With too many flowing resource blocks... Twas a great concept, but that was one issue I thought could be redesigned to be less lag intensive... Zip [doublepost=1504110512,1504109991][/doublepost]I did not enjoy AG2 to the extent that I did with AG and AG+... I had hoped it was more like AG/AG+ but with more up to date Mods, but the fact that I felt forced way to early on in AG2, to go to a much harder Nether, in order to progress my crops and quest book, felt a little out of balance compared to the progression in AG/AG+... With the Skyfactory series, each next version was just that, an improvement from the prior version with newer versions of previous mods and newer mods that made sense, without feeling like it was a totally different pack going in a different direction, as far as progression was concerned like I felt with AG2... Although I had always wished Skyfactory was a Quest pack... Zip
What mods were in AS+ that aren't in AS2 anyway? To my memory, AS+'s major additions were Blood Magic, Thaumcraft and Ars Magica 2, as well as possibly enderIO, all of which, other than AM2, are in AS2 anyway.
Im still annoyed hypo failed. It and bee happy were my favourite modpacks. On topic i also would like an AS2+ as i first got into hqm thru AS1 and only play hqm packs now. The stuffing of the AS nodes in the early days caused me to buy donator status too so i could get onto the server consistantly.
Overview - Woot - Mods - Projects - Minecraft CurseForge No 1.7.10 version. All download sites claiming to distribute one are either virused or scamming you out of your time.
can also confirm cause i only really play 1.7.10 packs and under and i have no idea what woot is XD (I will play higher ones eventually but i have too many to play and complete on 1.7.10)
Can I suggest the gravestone mod? With the way the tinker's smeltery is bugged right now, not losing all your stuff would be nice. Or possibly updating TCon to fix it would be cool. Got fed up enough to download the world and add some client mods, just to finish the pack.
It wasn't the mods themselves that I had issue with in AG2, it was the total change in progression they decided to go in... Basically being forced to go to the Nether (which was way harder than in AG and AG+) early on, just to progress your agricraft crops for certain early metals I felt was far too difficult a task at such an early time in the pack... That was something that AG and AG+ did not force you to do... Twas a very drastic alteration in questing progression when comparing the two... I didn't feel like I was playing an Agrarian Skies type modpack, as the questbook was not as helpful and forthcoming with the direction it was taking you in comparison to it's predecessors... Zip