Done Problem with Quartzanthemum Seed

Discussion in 'Agrarian Skies 2' started by Cirlu, Sep 5, 2017.

  1. Cirlu

    Cirlu Well-Known Member

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    9:38 AM
    I tried to follow the process on making them from the last tread on how to breed it but after wasting 2 stacks of crop sticks all i get is weed and no Quartzanthemum Seed to sprout. It was hard to make a setup for the two other crops to grow because the Nitor wart spores needs low light to grow and the lapender seeds needs light to grow but finally i can simultaneously grow them after slightly darkening the area with some slight light for the lapender to grow but the Quartzanthemum Seed still wont grow.

    Here is the setup:
    Nitor wart Spores planted on soul sand, below is Glowstone
    Lapender Seeds planted on farmland , below is Lapis lazuli ore
    Quartzanthemum Seed on soul sand, below Nether quartz ore

  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    These appear to actually be disabled, is there a quest for them as it appears this was intended by Jaded
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2017
  3. Cirlu

    Cirlu Well-Known Member

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    Not that I currently know in my Quest progress, I'm trying to produce a load of quartz to use for building materials and resource as to why I'm trying to make the seeds and i just recently started so I don't have the materials to automate witch water production to make soul sand.
  4. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    soulsand production needs:
    1 cobble generator(transfer node or ingoteous extruder etc.)
    power source to power pulverizers
    water source to fill barrels(transfer node best for early)
    2 pulverizers (to make gravel from cobble and sand from gravel)
    2 storages(chests, drawers etc.)
    X amount of barrels
    X/2 amount of dirt to transfrom it to mycellium or just mycellium
    X+2 transfer nodes (each transfer node under each barrel+1 node for output sand from storage to barrels+1 node for water)
    Y amount of transfer pipes to connect all the system

    How to? make infinity water source and use node and transfer pipes to fill barrels next place pulverizers and supply them with power and cobble to make sand and transport sand to storage - from storage use transfer node to transport sand into system - system should looks like that(most efficency using least space)
    P - transfer pipe that stransport sand into barrel,
    B - barrel... you dont saw that comming, do you?
    p= transfer pipe that transport water into barrels,
    M - mycellium...duh?
    0 - nothing
    N - transfer node to transfer soul sand from barrels into 2nd storage for soul sand or straight to sieves
    When you get sum resources add sum upgrades to nodes but NEVER, EVER! use more than 20 speed upgrades per node!

    No pics included cuz i haven't been in MC today - setup works for any skyblock modpack with exNihilo
  5. Cirlu

    Cirlu Well-Known Member

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    The setup is good but i think Ill prefer the seeds over it if it was enabled for quartz production, the reason for this is less setup to use just a harvester and autopackager can already make more quartz especially if the seeds are 10/10/10 than the standard exNihilo setup and i dont need to sieve it too, Thanks for the setup, if the seeds don't get enabled then ill make it. As for now im waiting if the seeds for Quartzanthemum Seed will get enabled or not before closing this thread.
  6. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Enabling the seeds = removing intended difficulty
  7. Cirlu

    Cirlu Well-Known Member

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    For me I don't see the problem of the seeds being a problem to the pack if it was added there by the mod.

    As for the Nether Quartz there is not that much crafting can be used to it, for the AE2 recipes its usually substituted by the Certus Quartz Crystals and can be get with sifting sand, much easier than auto production of soul sand just for Nether Quartz. What im saying is that enabling the seeds does not lessen much the difficulty of playing the pack, what resources are really needed are the different ores, they have seeds so why can't Nether Quartz have it.
  8. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Because there is a different way of automating it (soul sand). It requieres you to set up something that is not a farm.

    Not to mention the seeds are terrible, (9 10gain harvests/block) so you'd likely end up using the soul sand anyways.
  9. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    9:38 PM
    It certainly appears that Jaded intended the seeds to be disabled after going through the threads for AS2. So you'll have to go the soul sand route as she intended.
  10. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Like the wynd says on another thread about workaround to get specific item:

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