Changes to end-game items (Infinity Evolved)

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by ThanasiShadoW, Sep 7, 2017.

  1. ThanasiShadoW

    ThanasiShadoW Well-Known Member

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    12:28 AM
    Agricraft: It is understandable to have species of seeds that require breeding banned from the market but i don't really understand why any seed other than 1/1/1 is not allowed in the market. You can get 10/10/10 seeds with just a watering can (which is pretty easy to make), some sticks and about 5 minutes of watering plants.

    Forestry (and addons): This is just a question. Any kind of bee mutation is not allowed to be sold in the market but what about butterflies(lepidopterology), trees(arboriculture) and flowers(botany)?

    Witchery: Why are we not allowed to spread vampirism by using our own blood (not lilith's). In order for someone to turn into a vampire they will have to consume a vampire's blood by themselves, nobody forces them and vampirism is more of a challenge than a buff so why are level 9+ vampires allowed to hand over their blood?
    Besides vampirism, i believe that some other end-game witchery items should be in the list. For example a mystic branches, flying brooms, crystal balls and
  2. KisshuTheStein

    KisshuTheStein Well-Known Member

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    11:28 PM
    Draconic Evolution is TOO OP.
    Makes it a "creative mode"
  3. ThanasiShadoW

    ThanasiShadoW Well-Known Member

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    The only drconic item that i see on the market is draconium ingots which can be obtained from the overlorld (y=8), the nether (y=8), the end (A bit more frequently) and chaos islands. This means that everyone can collect them if they had a diamond pickaxe (Diamonds are not considerate end-game). A lot of draconic recipes require nether stars which are also not considerate end-game (They should add them to the list).
  4. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    The issue with the agricraft seeds are that they are even more important in expert mode than normal. With limited abilities to generate any viable amount of RF during the beginning of the game suddenly handing out 10-10-10 seeds that required breeding makes it possible to make a leap to culinary generators, which then opens the doors to leaping ahead in technology with a simple automation of culinary generators. This would also take away the accomplishment of making your own watering can, pressers etc.

    Now why are the banned in normal mode? Again because it is removing an aspect of the game for other players, where some seeds may not take long to get, it may take hours of real time to breed up the ones that require multiple mutations to create.

    My interpretation of the Forestry items is the same as bees, they require breeding and mutation so no you can't freely hand them out either.

    Vampirism , again you hand over something that took hours to achieve it removes a section of the game for other players.

    You can trade anything you want privately, we aren't monitoring messages between players, and this is specifically mention in end game trading, if you want to privately ruin your own game experience then so be it we aren't going to stop you. It is when it becomes a public trade which believe it or not does sometimes other players that we put a stop to it. Think of the End Game list as our attempt to protect the playing populace from spoilers, you can go find them yourself if you really want to, but we don't want them listed publicly.

    Bruce Willis was dead in the sixth sense.
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  5. ThanasiShadoW

    ThanasiShadoW Well-Known Member

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    Vampirism is not that hard to achieve. You don't even need to have started on witchery. Heads drop quite often so it is easy to get the skull, readstone, string and glass are also easy. The only "challenging" part is killing lilith. If lilith is cornered and the player has a rapier from Tinker's Construct, she will die in less than a minute and her attacks are not even than strong if you have a somewhat good armor (not end-game)

    (I am talking about normal mode)

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