Done Hardcore Wither Spam Teleporting and Insane Health

Discussion in 'Project Ozone 2' started by hunky524, Sep 17, 2017.

  1. hunky524

    hunky524 Active Member

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    12:03 AM
    A friend and I have only recently had to the need for nether stars. We were able to kill two of them before they started spam teleporting. When I say spam teleporting, I mean every few ticks the wither will teleport to a random spot in the chunks around you. This makes him impossible to kill. The only way to hit him, is to stay still, hope he teleports right in front of you by chance, and then hit him. However, by the time he teleports in front of you again, he has regenerated all his hp back. I've had a few people on the server come and see the teleporting withers; none of them have seen it do something like this. Also, the withers we spawn have nearly 10k hp (9600 to be exact the last time we spawned it), and we have only killed a few withers now; I know the hard core wither mod makes each successive wither more difficuly, but this seems absurd (spam teleporting almost seems like a glitch). The only way we can seem to kill them is by going way above the nether bedrock level, building a HUGE cube of netherrack, and slowly whack away at his massive hp pool. The giant netherrack cube is so that when we spawn him in the center of it, he literally has no air blocks he can teleport away to.

    For now the giant cube at least gives us a way to kill him (he still spam teleports within the small room at the center of the cube, but at least we can hit him in it). I went onto single player and killed a ton of withers to see if I got the same effects, I did not. After 20ish wither kills in single player, the wither still had sub 1k hp, and was not spam teleporting. I am curious if there is a different way you're suppose to farm the wither effectively, if the insane hp scaling is intended, and if the spam teleporting is intended.
  2. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Integer underflow?
  3. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    Hardcore Wither mod takes the effects of any present characters into account. Meaning the more people are there when it spawns, the stronger it is. I had many 'spam' teleporting Withers during my play-through of both Normal and Kappa mode. What you need to do is feed a Starry Apple to a newly spawned Wither.

    Try it, it should work wonders for you.
  4. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    7:03 AM
    Starry apple is just 120 sec. wither resistance. 48 karat carrot is infinite wither resistance.
  5. hunky524

    hunky524 Active Member

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    Well I have a witherless rose and zivicio armor, so his damage and wither isn't an issue. It's the teleporting that's a problem.
  6. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Kill it faster :D
  7. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    11:03 PM
    Use the Apple on the Wither, not yourself. Geez!
  8. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree, but couldn't you just make a wither proof enclosure and trap the little guy in there?
  9. hunky524

    hunky524 Active Member

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    He just teleports outside of it, hence why we made the giant netherrack cube so he literally has no air blocks to teleport away to.
  10. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    I've not fiddled with hardcore withers all that much, I think we had it on the original PO and then disabled it due to the insanity, so I'll ask another seemingly foolish question. Have you tried the vanilla method of killing the little guy. Shoving him into the bedrock ceiling with a piston? Or does he simply teleport away when he takes damage too.
  11. hunky524

    hunky524 Active Member

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    That was the very first thing we did when we were initially planning to kill farm some wither kills. When he spawns, he just teleports away as before.
  12. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    The boss gets harder and harder the more times you kill it. I supose at some point, it is near impossible. No idea how to solve that issue.
  13. hunky524

    hunky524 Active Member

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    That would seem fine to me if we had killed the wither thousands of times, but we hadn't even killed it five times before these issues started. I'm assuming it's because it takes into account the collective wither kill count of all players, or all players currently online. Either way, I mainly wanted clarification of whether or not this is intended or if there is a possible fix.
  14. Datsaltysnek

    Datsaltysnek lover of NCIS

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    draconic portal then use a rf shields to kill it?
  15. CatArcher

    CatArcher Well-Known Member

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    From what i understand, that won't work.

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