Info Space Station Issues (for everyone)

Discussion in 'Age of Engineering' started by Aidoneus, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    7:13 PM
    Hello everyone,
    I know there is a lot of issues with space station creation or space stations not saving on server restart/crash. If you could please post here if you are having the issue, that would be great. If you created a ticket or another forum support thread, I will be closing them and referring you to post on this thread to consolidate the issue and talk about it in a single spot.

    Additional information that would really help is to time stamp the time you did this and what exactly the issue is. This way we can log at our logs and send any issues or information to the mod author and pack author.

    Thanks for the patience and the help,
  2. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    8:13 PM
    I encountered this several times. Here is the information I have so far:
    Upon server restart:
    1. Any blocks created in space are deleted
    2. Claims created in space remain existing, but if you named the claim, the name gets deleted and the name reverts to the default "claim"
    3. The "Space" dimension will stay over whatever planet you last visited, even after wiping blocks. Without a claim set there, this would in effect force you to have to start over and create a new space dimension.
    4. Related issue, any claims created on other planets are deleted on restart.

    I'll edit with more info as I find it. I'll also try and create some blocks in space and give you a timestamp of the restart when it wipes them.

    Edit: I hadn't played since I posted my ticket, and today after re-visiting my claim, the blocks I placed there 4 days ago were still there, so something must have changed to repair it. That doesn't mean me or other people won't still have this problem later, but for the time being, I can't give a timestamp to analyze the problem.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2017
    Aidoneus likes this.
  3. gueritol

    gueritol Well-Known Member

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    Mdelaqua and my self launched yesterday a (very ;)) nice station to orbit, it followed the expected steps: fly high into orbit, then you get the brown-screen and the new world (called space) is shown and descent begins and instead of somehow having the station created, it switched back to the brown-screen followed by descent to the over-world minus the station (and the fuel :mad:)
  4. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    This bug happened even before space station deletion and only way to get around it is to use angel block and build the station yourself.
    Be extremely careful though, because when you get off your rocket, the rocket will behave oddly and may appear under you and you will die when you hit it because of fall damage. This happened to me.

    I don't know much about space station deletion because I had my rocket and my grave stuck in the space dimension and after some time, moderator replied to my ticket (4 days ago) saying that the space stations have been deleted.
  5. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Thanks for the replys everyone. Keep them coming I will up updating the AoE servers tonight to the latest version of the pack. Hopefully that will solve some of these issues.
  6. gueritol

    gueritol Well-Known Member

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    We sent a couple more up. Same result ... vanished.
    We tried going up and placing the station with an angel block.
    Last attempt was to make the station with an angel block and claim the area. I haven't checked if it is still there .. crossing my fingers
  7. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    This sounds like a piece of dialogue from an alien movie.
    HelloKittyPhone and gueritol like this.
  8. gueritol

    gueritol Well-Known Member

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    Good news the space station is still there after a couple of server resets!
    So manual construction + land protection = success

    (and for Rohen's active imagination less aliens :p)
    [doublepost=1505806580,1505753367][/doublepost]Bad news ... the aliens took the base and it's gone ... space station is *poof* (alongside a good deal of titanium :mad::()
    So no dice ... even with all the different combinations. The base goes away.
    Rohen and Tipsied like this.
  9. Yorinar

    Yorinar Well-Known Member

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    Lost my base too. Manual construction, but no claiming. Chunk loaded and it just reverted to what it was during the previous restart: an angel block + 1 iron chunk loader. The only difference is the chunk loader no longer worked, probably because I moved it. When I built the base, I set the orientation to spinning 1 degree and even though the orientation controller was removed by the reset, the station is still spinning without it.
  10. gueritol

    gueritol Well-Known Member

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    There is also something to do with the backup server or the main server. As they are constantly swapping.
    The reason why I say this is because the base was gone and then it was present ... so apparently space stations are not synched between main and spare server.
  11. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    7:13 PM
    I updated the modpack to the latest versions along with updating forge and sponge. Can anyone please tell me if this is fixed now?
    Fireforce likes this.
  12. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    7:13 PM
    Anyone try this since I updated Sponge? Sponge was not saving modded dimensions and saw a very recent commit that fixes this issue. Please let me know if this is fixed.
    gueritol likes this.
  13. gueritol

    gueritol Well-Known Member

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    We'll check tomorrow and confirm!
  14. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Thank you very much. Could you post here when that time comes when you are going to do this? I would like to force restart the server to see if changes in the dimension actually save. If it doesn't, I can properly report this to the sponge developers.
    gueritol likes this.
  15. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    Il cheak if theres some one on n1 when i get home in about 4 hours taper Jay might be at the space age
  16. Tapercrazy_jay

    Tapercrazy_jay Well-Known Member

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    yh me n manwell are on space age aiming for the next part of it
  17. gueritol

    gueritol Well-Known Member

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    First test:
    Modified the base (added stuff) waited for reboot and items are still there (even after 2 reboots)

    We're still waiting for the switching of servers (back up to reserve) as that is what has created issues for us before.

    @Aidoneus : What we have not tested is the just going with a rocket and the station in the cargo. Should we test that (we lost the station last 2 times)??
  18. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    7:13 PM
    Are you saying it is still there? If so, I think it is fixed then.
  19. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    [hnn Done]
  20. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    7:13 PM

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