How about a MYM exclusive mod pack?

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by TrashGothAoife, Sep 23, 2017.

  1. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    I like all the choices we have, but I think it could be really cool to take user suggestions on mods, and make a mod pack exclusively for us here.

    I for 1 am a bit tired of how FTB puts IC2 in basically every mod pack when a very small portion of people actually like it, makes it all the more annoying when it is the starting tech in hard mode packs. Mekanism is much more fun and can be compatible with other tech mods, or not depending on config if people want it in a hard mode pack but isolated from everything else.
    Shad0wMC and GreyWolf11 like this.
  2. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    I am tired of having Botania in nearly every pack and I like IC2 (with GT, it is even better).
    It is very hard to find mods that would fit everyone. I am not fully sure how to make pack then because everyone will want some mods to be included and some mods to not be included.
  3. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    Well, there could be votes set up to decide on mods. Or perhaps vote on mod progression for a hard mode pack as everyone would be forced to use mods in a specific order. It might not be possible to make everyone happy, but would be nice to have a mod pack more suited for the players on this server collection.
  4. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    What about if we take some lesser knowen mods like meknisim i dont see meney packs whit it and its a great mod we could skib on something like ender Io or ic2 and not have drac evo Even if its a late game mod its kinda game breaking
    Rohen likes this.
  5. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    Modpack with less known mods might be interesting (and it won't have Botania), so I would vote for it.
  6. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Isn't there a thread about that already?
  7. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    You can always make it a goal to get to what you consider "end game" in a pack without touching a certain mod. Or focus only on a few mods at a time?
  8. golemofstone

    golemofstone Well-Known Member

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    The Crundee Craft pack doesn't have Botania in it, although i've only had a small look at it, also Divine Journey is a Good pack if you want to invest a lot of time to get to end game BUT it may be too grindy for some players, this pack has Botania in it but it's used in a lot of other crafting recipies so maybe it might be worth a look, it's a 1.7.10 pack though so not sure if it would be considered for the network.
  9. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    1. The way in which brains work makes it very hard to do self-imposed challenges based on not using something.
    2. If you are playing on a server, you might face: "Playing for 2 months and no draconic xddddddddd nub", "You know you can just make drac, right?", "Yo not making draconic lolololol idiot", "WTF you don't want cool stuff?", "Just how dense you are to not know you can make draconic?" etc.
  10. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    And this is why I have yet to do DE on Beyond because its too OP. And because I love BM more. But a custom pack would be pretty cool. As long as it has BM Ill be happy
  11. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    What does BM stand for in this case? 'Cause searching doesn't seem too effecive.
  12. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    Blood Magic
  13. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    Alven, I don't understand why you hate on Botania so much. even in a kitchen sink modpack. it's not getting in your way, it's just a nice mod for those who want to play with it. Most it's doing is spawning some flowers in the world. What's so bad about it?

    (Corrected myself, a tad tired)
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2017
    Rohen likes this.
  14. Lachim_Heigrim

    Lachim_Heigrim Well-Known Member

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    My humble opinion is that good mods and packs are built around meaningful activities that give you - the player - (unexpected) emotions as you play. Different people like different activities. And DON'T like different activities. That's because we perceive the game world differently in our brains as individuals. Tynan Sylvester (author of RimWorld) has some great posts about it. It is why there is no one-size-fits-all pack out there and why we play with different mods from a pack.

    I for example am a surface builder who prefers 'believable', 'functional' and 'automated' bases. I also generally play packs with 'progress': starting with little/limited resources, having to work for better items/more resources through meaningful play. A hardcore aspect of a pack, where after death you lose it all just adds another layer of emotions to the gameplay. Reasonable grind is acceptable too, it makes you 'work for progress'.

    So I really enjoyed packs like Crash Landing, Atonement or TerraFirmaPunk. On the other hand I also enjoyed the relaxed build-oriented gameplay with Regrowth or recently with Tekkit Legends; both packs have trivial difficulty and easily renewable, even infinite resources. (Pity MyM does not allow any type of player revenge towards thieves/griefers which seem to be a regular p.i.t.a on both servers. I'd love to build a base defense mechanics from frequent unwanted visitors ignoring warning signs around Witchery in Regrowth for example.)

    What I can't stand is repetitive grind, unpreventable/random deaths, or things being too easy. So I quit stuff like Galactic Science (grind even waiting! which encourages players to build many copies of machines, which leads to server lag/crashes), Forever Stranded (unbalanced sieving yields causing grind for iron while other resources overflow, random deaths from TaN hyperthermia despite sitting in water) and I never touched any FTB packs (they just seem to smash as many mods together as possible for no apparent reason). The 'too easy' part also makes me quit before finishing the pack; rarely you see end-game items to be used as means to an end. And when in mid-game I have one million of iron ore, playing towards a super-expensive megamachine producing ten million iron ore per second is not interesting to me.

    So my preference for the pack would be:
    1) Should encourage (exciting, dangerous, explorative) player activities, giving players satisfaction and causing emotions.
    2) Making player DO things to progress, not WAIT for the progress
    3) Rewarding meaningful building (defense, roads, travel..), maybe by reasons for building/terraforming (rough terrain)
    4) Building around 1-2 major mods, but mostly around less known mods, giving a few choices here and there.
    5) Respect that MyM is a public server so easily suffers lag from many machines, but offers stuff like e.g multiple dimensions or dimension resets.

    Rohen likes this.
  15. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    If the pack is "expert mode", it would be cool to be still able to play in different ways (for examble by having two different recipes for key items).
  16. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Regrowth has trivial difficulty, I think that's the first time I've heard that. I always felt like it was balanced, that is once your established you can deal with the base threats and pursue other mobs likely to want to eat you.

    As for an exclusive pack development takes time, and it's in development. You'll be handed an "expert" level pack when it's ready. In the mean time other packs are being evaluated and tested.
    The_Icy_One likes this.

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