Done Pure certus seeds

Discussion in 'Age of Engineering' started by Decnav, Sep 22, 2017.

  1. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    6:40 PM
    I have been TRYING to make seeds for 2 days now. After about 2 hours I had them to 65%, server crashed and they are gone AGAIN. I have done this numerous time to just keep losing them. The description says doesnt despawn, can it be fixed?
  2. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    10:40 PM
    Items despawn during a crash, there's really nothing that can be done about that unfortunately.

    You're best off just using the empowerer recipe tbh, yes it will eat a lot of rf but completely removes the risk factor of growing the seeds as in-world items.
  3. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    11:40 PM
    Sadly because of the server environment, it is nearly impossible to safely produce the pure crystals without growth accelerators or empowerer recipe. I would recommend using the empowerer recipe or asking a player to grow them for you with crystal growth accelerators and then to make your own crystal growth accelerators (powered from ME controller).
  4. Tapercrazy_jay

    Tapercrazy_jay Well-Known Member

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    10:40 PM
    iv had no prob making any the pures they make right away but i do hav 5 the accelerators that help grow them so guessing u not got meny them yet
    cstalker likes this.
  5. Yorinar

    Yorinar Well-Known Member

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    Yeah the trick (and the problem) is you have to use growth accelerators or else it will almost certainly despawn before it's done. Empowerer ftw.
  6. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    As others have stated the only reliable (an intended) way to make any of the pure seeds is to use the growth accelerator, or in this case the empowerer. Due to the general instability of 1.10 there's not much you can do to predict a crash. The seeds are only immune to the five minute timer for despawn of items, not server restarts so unfortunately there isn't a great answer other than trying to speed them up with the accelerators.
  7. harryarne

    harryarne Well-Known Member

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    11:40 PM
    You only have to make a very limited ammount to get the growth accelerators up and running, game is hard and frustrating, and I guess that's part of the point of the pack.
  8. Tipsied

    Tipsied Well-Known Member

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    3:40 PM
    Hi Decnav,
    Since there is nothing further that can be done and since the above players have provided other options/explanations, I will go ahead and close this thread.

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