Implemented Skyfactory 3 fire spread

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by TrashGothAoife, Sep 30, 2017.

  1. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    12:53 PM
    Could the fire spread be disabled on this server? Many have lost large parts of their build from the early game lava under crucible causing large base fires.
  2. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    It would be very nice. I have seem a lot of people complaining, and had a few (almost) fatal fires break out in my place, actually assumed it was off at first. Especially considering a lot of others have it off as well.
  3. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Just surround the snip lava with cobble...
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2017
  4. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    3:53 PM
    1: watch your language. That word is banned.
    2: fire spread is disabled in many others but not this modpack. We ask for it to be made so it doesn't have it. Don't insult us for it
  5. Xehala23

    Xehala23 Well-Known Member

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    i agree lets turn it off
  6. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    Also in the modpack you build your beginner platform out of wood. If yiu make a crucible and lava, boom. Everything burns. Fire spreads 4-blocks high and 1 block accross. It spreads fast.
  7. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    12:53 PM
    Hindsight is 20/20

    It's not something most people think of doing on here if they come from other MYM servers due to them having fire spread off. 2nd, you need to do more than just surround the lava with cobble, or stone. There is a range at which fire can spread which has surprised quite a few people, and just yesterday destroyed a big section of a base. I had to look up how fire spreads to explain how it happened.
  8. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    8:53 PM
    Crafting Tables dont burn.... maybe make your cobble generator from that?

    Turning off fires spread ruins the minecraft experience. I fondly remember burning down my first log cabin build in 2009.
    Rohen likes this.
  9. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    It spreads farther than where it is. like really far. Not to mention it'd look horrible. Also, it's off for a majority of the other modpacks and not this one. We're asking for it to be turned off here as well.

    It spreads farther than where it is. like really far. Not to mention it'd look horrible. Also, it's off for a majority of the other modpacks and not this one. We're asking for it to be turned off here as well.
  10. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    to be fair, I can understand why fire spread is disabled on modpacks with an open world... it's to prevent those rather unpreventable "bad apples" from burning an entire forest down just for the lols. or finding a way to burn down someone's wood-based home. this is really difficult to pull off in a skyblock setting, thus the reason why I think firespread should be enabled. I wouldn't mind a little challenge to avoid destroying my base with the first crucible I try to make.
    Rohen likes this.
  11. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    yes, but the players who experienced it, and play the modpack, want it removed. It's not just one of us going "Hey lets remove it' we all kinda want it removed because its just a massive pain.
  12. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Very unlikely. If people were actually so annoyed by it, this thread would be created months ago.
    mrminesheeps likes this.
  13. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    It's here now.
    [doublepost=1507152349][/doublepost]However unlikely it is, it is the truth. You can go there yourself. It's why me and Lirael are here in the forum post.
  14. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    Most people don't actually think to make a thread. I offered to do it to all the people who were on SF3, and they all liked the idea, and thus the thread was created.

    Also, something that people don't always remember, lightning can also start fire, which means if you build out of flammable blocks at all, there is a chance that a random lightning strike could set your entire base on fire. I am sure I am not the only one who likes to build nice builds, and not just large stone platforms or boxes to make it fire proof. Building around that is bad gameplay.
  15. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    It's almost impossible for a lightning to burn something. It either has to strike precisely at the end of the storm or strike within 2 blocks from a spot that is protected from rain and contains a burnable block and generate fire on that block. And even then, the fire must spread before it burns out, which, while pretty likely, is not guaranteed.
  16. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    Yes it isn't a common occurrence, but it can happen, which is my point. And besides, I would think if the people who play the server want it off, it should be off, sky factory has enough other challenges added, then risk of fire burning down their base shouldn't be one of them.
  17. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    12:53 PM
    Please delete, accidentally generated 2 posts instead of 1.
  18. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    Agreed. It's our choice. And really its only being argued by people who don't even play it. Why can you decide if its on or not if you haven't played it? The players who DO play it want it off.
  19. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    And there is only two three (forgot about one person at the top of the thread) people actively argue for it.
  20. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    And only one who actively argues against it.
    [doublepost=1507154381][/doublepost]who doesn't even play.
    [doublepost=1507154685][/doublepost]Also you have no reasoning to want it on besides just arguing. You never made any points on why it should be on, besides no one else saying anything.
  21. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    tsk tsk tsk...
    Just because I haven't been on it lately, doesn't mean I haven't played it. -10 points for invalid argument.
    Also, under that logic, we can all say we want, say, mob griefing turned on. if we all want it, then why can't we? then under said logic, they turn it back on. then a few days later, you see the tickets rolling in to reverse the changes because they got griefed by creeper spawners.
    lets be honest. If you were to play on single player, you'd immediately turn off every setting that could possibly harm you to make it easier. but the pack developer didn't disable fire spread. there's a reason it's enabled. it's a challenge that comes with minecraft. But in the end, this is up to the members of staff who handle this sort of stuff.
    Oh, this also encourages the use of lightning rods. it'll give the lightning something to strike instead of your house. #environmentaltechhasthis
    Rohen likes this.

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