Done Villager Breeding?

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by Plyfdog, Oct 6, 2017.

  1. Plyfdog

    Plyfdog Active Member

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    Local Time:
    2:35 AM
    Current Testing Fatalities:
    12 Villagers
    6 Babies

    So one of my favorite things to do in minecraft is creating a village and populating it with villagers!

    It's been forever and a day since I've actually played MC this much lol. But all that's needed to breed villagers (in 1.7.10 and below) should be a door with a block over it.

    My question is:
    Is there something server side that prevents the breeding of villagers?

    Redwood doors do not count as a normal oak door for villagers. Replacing those with oak doors solved the problem.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2017
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Local Time:
    7:35 AM
    Great to hear that you could solve the issue.
    For the future, it would be great if you would answer your own thread. This allows other players access to this information. :)
  3. Plyfdog

    Plyfdog Active Member

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    2:35 AM
    Alright, I put the jist of what I originally said back up there, but now I've got a new issue =)

    Before I logged last night, I threw down a gold block. The test started with 5 villagers, and there were 3 babies when I logged out. When I logged in today they were all gone, including the original 5. =(

    Original testing area was 1 chunk, with a 5 high wall in non-claimed land in the farm world. I'm doing a second test in a 1 chunk area in my actual claimed area/home that is fully lit with huge walls. So aside from a player stealing/killing them, there should be no reason they despawn throughout the day/night. We'll see =)
    Slind likes this.
  4. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    7:35 AM
    The server makes entities despawn randomly, which is either a bug or an anti-lag feature.
  5. Plyfdog

    Plyfdog Active Member

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    2:35 AM
    Probably, but if that was the case for villagers why are they always in there villages =P
  6. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    7:35 AM
    I actually had problems with villagers despawning in my village on infinity.
  7. Plyfdog

    Plyfdog Active Member

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    2:35 AM
    Well this is a shame =(

    Started with 6 this time, ended up with 3 babies.

    Left to go pick up my girls from school, came back right as the server was in a restart. Logged in and all villagers gone =(

    3 new test subject injected
    -The villagers DO persist through server restarts.

    -The villagers DO kinda sorta persist through chunks being UNLOADED. Just logged for 5 minutes, came back. 2 of 3 villagers present.
    **subnote** This makes no sense why they would disappear with a golden block - GB used on original experiment

    All villagers have been caught with Soul Vials from Ender IO. I believe the next test will be Villagers caught using Jailer Safari Nets.

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