Dungeons and dragons

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by TrashGothAoife, Oct 12, 2017.

  1. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    12:29 PM
    I would like to see if many people are interested in a MYM D&D game. I would be willing to help new people learn the game should any want, and we could even do a few short campaigns rather than jump right into a long one. I have all the material on D&D beyond so I can easily share with others to build characters on it. We would probably need to use something like roll20 for the map and combat unless people would be fully okay with theatre of the mind.
    TTV_W3lshman likes this.
  2. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    I think roll20 would be good, however the only problem I can see is people, like me, have different schedules per week, not to mention time zone differences, etc. Any work around for if a few people can't make it?
  3. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    If we only have 1 person willing to run a game, then it would depend on their schedule. If we can get a few people willing to run games, then it could open it up more to a wider range of people. As for different schedules, you can do a few different things. I would suggest if just 1 person willing to run a game, then they set up when they have the time and are willing to run a game, then set it up so people can just drop in to the game if they are available that session, like how D&D expeditions official events do it. You just let people know what level to make a character, and maybe how many of what tier magic items you can add. Doing it like that makes it less stressful for new players, or people who like the game but just can't commit to 1 or 2 sessions every week.

    Another solution is to run several short campaigns, which I think would be good at the start, so that you don't worry about people not understanding what the current quest is, or why you are doing it. If later there is enough regular people and they want to do that, that is an option too.
  4. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    Maybe 30-minute sessions then? more if people are willing after a short break? I of course am one who used to play DnD as I was a kid, never played it officially by the rules or how actual people play it.
  5. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    I would say at least an hour. That way it gives a bit of time to clear up anything before a game starts, also with new players you would need to be prepared to not make too much headway in a campaign, even a short one with 1 hour sessions. But perhaps we could set up so leading up to the session someone is available to help get people ready for it.
  6. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    I think it might be a bit game-breaking, having people in one campaign, not in the next. or etc.
  7. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    It's actually not, as long as the party isn't out of whack too much. There are lots of official events that run that way, in 1 session miss the next. There are enough classes that can heal, bard, cleric, druid, ranger, paladin, and soon looks to be the sorcerer too. Also it is easy to throw in healing potions if needed when there is less healing capabilities.
  8. Evan317

    Evan317 Resigned Member of MyM Staff Patron Tier 1 Booster

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    Honestly we could run some one-shots as teaching material for some players.
  9. CatArcher

    CatArcher Well-Known Member

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    I really love dnd, would like this idea to actually happen.
  10. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    12:29 PM
    Well the more people interest, and especially more experienced players the better. :)
  11. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    The guy that made roll20 is making and awesome VR MMO called Orbus This game will be my new addiction when it hits early access in about 2 months

    I bought into the alpha access and its beyond awesome. Bigest complaint is graphics quality, but that goes away after 5 min of play, you are immersed
  12. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    That doesn't really have anything to do with this thread, as this is about getting a D&D game going.
  13. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    ok, got ya. Stay on target, be specific, dont converse
  14. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Active and intentional derailing is bad for threads, but slight off-topic is not.
  15. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    Roll 20, created by Riley Dutton, also creator of orbus. Was trying to converse. am bailing out now, no need for further responses. Will not bother wit trying to join this
  16. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    Anyways, ignoring whatever that guy was on about, I think the DnD idea is very good, and will be met with lots of people.
  17. golemofstone

    golemofstone Well-Known Member

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    7:29 PM
    Might be interested in this if a few Europeans or Englishers are up for a game, although last time i played was about 25 years ago so not really sure how the rules have changed since 2nd Ed to be honest, still i'll keep an eye on the thread all the same :)
  18. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    12:29 PM
    Maybe if I can twist a few arms, I could get someone to add a D&D channel on discord, which we could use to update or teach people about the new 5E system? If anyone is interested in playing around with the dndbeyond character builder for 5e, I have all content unlocked, and can use that to share a campaign for others to sign up and build characters with my content.

    EDIT: Posted link in new D&D discord channel to build characters using the content I have unlocked. You will need to create an account with dndbeyond. I think your twitch account will work as it is a twitch product.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2017
  19. Agent_Hippo

    Agent_Hippo Member

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    Where is the link? I'm having trouble finding it.
  20. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    Look in the pinned post on the #dungeonsanddragons channel in discord. Please use that to learn a bit about the characters abilities, and how skills/combat works.

    Talking in discord an idea was put forward to run a 1 off campaign where I make each person their character, and you learn about them as you try to do things. As if you all have amnesia and you learn what your skills are by just attempting to do something. It might be a bit hard to learn about spells, but I will be coming up with a method where any racial or class ability, or spell can be learned about.

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